My Monthly Meditation Club
(Included with My VIP Membership Program or can be purchased separately.)
My Monthly Meditation Club makes it easy to stay focused on meditating! With a new theme each month, members receive:
- 1 New Guided or Affirmation Meditation Each Month (MP3 Download)
- 1 One-Hour Solfeggio Frequency Music Meditation to Work Alongside the Other Meditation (MP3 Download)
- Access to the Private Support Forum to Be a Part of Our Community, Link With Like-Minded Individuals and Ask Questions
- A 25% Discount on All Other Store Items
The Meditations in my store individually cost between $15.00 and $20.00 on average,
making the Meditation Club an amazing discount on these life-changing tracks! Each month
also includes a theme to be focused on in 30-Day increments, creating a more powerful
connection with the subconscious mind and your ability to manifest a life you love!
Monthly Meditation Theme Examples:
The Ultimate Way to Manifest Anything Guided Meditation + A 432Hz "Manifest Miracles" and Elevate Your Vibration Music Track
Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind to Accept New Beliefs Affirmations + A 528Hz Meditation Music Track to Clear Subconscious Blocks
5th Dimension Light Body Activation Guided Meditation + 528Hz Powerful Awakening Music for Light Body Activation
I AM a Money Magnet Affirmations + 528Hz Golden Frequency Abundance Meditation Music
Each frequency meditation music track has been meticulously created by tuning the musical
track to either 528Hz or 432Hz and combining it with an accompanying Solfeggio Frequency
Tone and other unique sounds known in sound therapy to block out background noises, relax
and overstimulated brain and create a more intense and productive meditation session.
(The 25% discount that comes with this membership applies to the store on this website
and not my frequency music store. However, you can shop for additional music and my
8-Hour longer tracks by visiting: https://www.MeditationMusicRelaxHeal.com )
(Read A Few of My Meditation Testimonials Below)
We Made the List on This Popular Publication! ☝️ Read More Here.
Meditation Testimonials