At the core of our being, our desires can become tangible realities through an awakened awareness of higher states of consciousness.
The intricate link between physical creation and the human experience reveals that our minds are products of a larger creative process, shaping our experiences.
Yet, our understanding is limited as we are a part of the creation process, unable to see it in its entirety.
To manifest our desires, we must navigate the laws governing physical creation.
The mind, shaped by past experiences, needs to learn how to ask for new experiences.
Manifestation starts within, and the external world must align with this internal process.
Energy, the essence of all creations, flows into form based on the focus of attention and awareness.
This is often known as the mirror principle.
The essence of all physical creations is the manifestation of energy.
Everything is composed of energy, and all creation operates, functions or is animated by energy.
Consciousness also functions at the energetic level.
We are each an aspect of the Conscious energy that creates all that is, and within each of us is the whole of creation.
Our awareness is then projected as a hologram, or in 3D form.
Within this hologram of physical creation, each piece contains the whole.
From this view, it is also possible to see how we can access any aspect or all of Creation from within the subconscious portion of our mind – the unlimited part of our mind that is connected to this whole and that drives us and our experiences each and every day.
The creation process involves three key steps: unwavering focus on the desired outcome, aligning our desires with our inner depth, and cultivating deep feelings associated with the desire.
Accessing higher consciousness states enhances success, and affirmations can reinforce this practice.
(In this video, I outline this in greater detail and include affirmations consciousness expanding affirmations.
Understanding our creative power reveals that external conditions mirror aspects of our inner selves.
To change the external world, we must change our consciousness.
By focusing on and feeling our desires, we tap into our creative energy, making necessary internal changes.
Through these steps, we can shape our physical reality in alignment with our consciousness and bring our desires into manifested form!