Camille ‘ vision

Hi Jessica, is it common for the goal to change. For almost a month I have been doing the same visualization of goals , then this morning I woke up with a different vision. This one more pleasurable more fun and I’m more excited while I’m in it. I’m concerned that if I keep changing my ideal life vision, I’m going to end up on the waves of the ocean and no land in sight . Delayed or no tangible ,physical manifestations because I keep changing the vision. Any advice?


  • Hi Camille,

    This is pretty common, especially if you're going through the course step-by-step and implementing the techniques. It sounds as though your brain is "fine-tuning" the vision it has for you and where you want your life to go. Because it is more pleasurable, fun and exciting (all positives), I would rely more on my feeling states than the details of the visualization. All of the details and the "how" it will happen is really irrelevant at this stage. (You will automatically get there with the techniques given.)

    But to answer your question: Yes, it's more than okay to change the vision and goal. I've done this myself many times. Don't let your mind over-complicate the vision by questioning it. It could be that you envision something for yourself often and notice that some of the details are different each time. But the main goal (feeling happy, abundant, successful, satisfied) stays the same or increases. My advice would be to rely on your feeling states and continue to envision what causes you to be in a happy and blissful state. You will most certainly create more happiness and bliss that way. :)

  • What a wonderful answer to Camille's question. That answers a lot of questions!♥️
  • It's interesting that we have been taught for so long not to include feelings and emotions in so many aspects of our life.

    When I first discovered that feelings and emotions played a major role, I was so tickled because I somehow knew that.
  • Isn't it wonderful to learn the importance of our emotions! Our emotions our indicators of our thoughts which we have the power to change! By changing our thoughts our emotions change. That's how we can raise our vibration in order to attract to us that which is wanted!♥️
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