Dealing with Anxiety/Depression

Hi there!

I wanted to see if there was any advice regarding working through anxiety/depression. I've had it for years and have also meditated and done mindset work for years but haven't found much relief. The only thing that provided immediate results is a low dose of meds I'm on. But I just get hit with waves of anxiety every now and then when I wake up and also during full moons and eclipses. I also get depressed generally but feel that it's due to a pattern or program I have of things not working out as planned and financial and relationship blocks etc. It is strange though because on the outside I am very confident, and intelligent, and have great friends, and am a role model for many but people don't know the darkness that occurs often on the inside. I can't tell how much of the depression is something I was born with or something that came as a result of years of stress/struggle and loneliness. I am wondering how best to show up with this program because I know consistency is key but on the anxious/depressed days it's difficult for me to do anything. Also, are there any specific exercises to focus on to help with these anxious/depressed programs specifically? Should I use the quantum healing codes?




  • Hi Surina, I will help you with this question about feeling depressed and anxious. Howeve I can not help with the healing codes. That's not my area of expertise. Depression and anxiety are as I've practice as a psychotherapist for 25 years.

    The answer is surrender and acceptance. Here is why I can say that:

    You are right about it being part of a program or mindset. Most of us received messages, spoken or unspoken, concerning our worth. These messages go like this:

    -In life we must work hard.
    -We must prove our worthiness by doing and achieving.
    -We must not show vulnerability.
    -Depression and anxiety (both are the same) are a sign of weakness. We must hide those feelings.
    -We are less than or not good enough therefore we act like everything is okay.
    -If anyone ever saw or knew our authentic being we would certainly be rejected or abandoned.
    -"I am not deserving." "I am not worthy."

    You get the picture. As a result we believe that those feelings are bad. So when they show up we resist them. We feel scared and begin telling ourselves scary stories. "This will never change." "I'm always going to battle this." "I can't do what needs to be done." Things like that. This resistance and negative self-talk cause the feelings to intensify which creates more of the unwanted experience.

    Here's what I want you to do. Be gentle and loving with yourself. Accept that those feelings are part of the human experience. They serve a purpose. They helps us to get clear on what we do want. As the clarity surfaces, we begin focusing there. In the meantime say to your self:

    -Im okay. Things are going to be okay.
    -This is temporary.
    -This is a period of incubation. Many desires will be birthed out as a result of these negative feelings.
    -Is okay.
    -I know that I am a spiritual being and that things are working out for me.
    -Every experience in my life as helped me to be who I am.
    - I am worthy and deserving of the best the Universe has to offer.
    - Everyone goes through periods like this. It's part of the process.
    - I am doing okay.
    - This is temporary. It will pass.

    Feel the relief in those statements. Feel the surrender and acceptance. Begin to let go of the judgment surrounding the "scary" feelings. Call them by a different name. I call them "periods of asking" or "periods of incubation." Do not be hard on yourself and know that you are worthy no matter what! Stop hiding yourself from others. Others experience the same thing. You are worthy of being seen in the whole of you!

    Let go, trust the process, be gentle and easy with yourself, stop all scary stories!

    You are supported and loved. The Universe, Source, has your back. You are in the right place at the right time.

    Start today. Love yourself right were you are.

    I hope this helps. ♥️

  • Lovely answer, Shelia!!

    Surina, for the healing codes: There are several threads on this forum where individuals have reported success with them. They are said to be 'downloaded' from higher consciousness/Source.  If you would like to try them out, you certainly can!  And I would certainly follow the advice Shelia gave!

    I'll place a few codes below that you might find helpful:

    25 36 933    for generalized
    anxiety disorder

    99 61 378    for
    consolation and comfort to the soul that only Divine Mother can give
    21 35 619     
    to let go of the attachment to what is frightening (to stop ruminating
    and thinking about it)
    25 37 536      for painful
    memories of the past, both conscious and subconscious 

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