Level 2- 30 day Manifestation challenge

So I started Level 2 in my course and I'm working on the 30 day manifestation challenge.

Using the example used in our course, manifesting a home on the blue ridge mountain, the second step is to write down 5 new thoughts we are willing to entertain to create this manifestation.  Can you give example? are they thoughts like "I want 4bed/ 3 baths" and details about this goal, which is done in step one anyways?  

On a separate note, do the binaural beats, theta wave music, affirmations etc.. work if we play them during our sleep? 


  • Hi Wafa,

    Yes, they can be physical details. Or, you could write down thoughts such as, "I am open to receiving this in my life." "I am excited to see all the ways in which this can show up for me." "I am appreciative of this journey of creation."  It's completely your choice. :)

    And yes to the music question!  The theta wave music is best used while sleeping, as it slows the brainwaves down. And I suggest you use anything that contains a theta track in this way as it tends to make people drowsy. The other tracks (without theta) can be played in the background during the day, or while sleeping.

  • Got it! Thank you so much Jessica   :)

  • Being in an advance level, and I believe that I have new beliefs programmed, would it affect my process if I do a second round of the course from the beginning, keeping in mind I don't feel I have the old beliefs any longer? What will this do to my manifestation process?  It feels somewhat confusing to go back and forth with my affirmations and processes in the same day; some to rid my creative machine of old beliefs and others to trick it that my goal has already happened "I remember when.." and "this is why I have my manifestation now" affirmations in particular. 

  • Hi Wafa,

    That's a great question! Because each person is different, I always encourage individuals to do what feels "right" to them. That said, the tools in the course are for a lifetime. And you can use them to address anything that comes up for you that you may feel needs a little "tweaking." 

    If something feels confusing or contradictory to you, don't do it. Listen to your gut. And in the meantime, you can use the additional tools within the membership site to keep your mind focused and your eye on the prize. :)

    Looking forward to hearing of more of your success! Keep us posted.

  • Thank you Jessica. 
    another thing just to clarify.... every time I want to manifest a NEW goal I need to start another round to uninstall old beliefs and install new ones?  or I can just keep tweaking things to relate to the new goal? 
  • Hi Wafa,

    You can go through the processes again if you feel there is something related to your new goal and your beliefs around that new goal. Many people find these tools helpful in that way and will use them over and over again for different areas of their life. 

    The good news is that once you begin to really believe in your ability to create intentionally, it becomes much more effortless. Layer by layer, you build upon those positive belief systems. But I always say it's a lifestyle and find myself going through the processes again if something shows up for me. The tools are there to use as/if needed. :)


  • I see, that's good to know, thank you Jessica. :)
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