Daily practise schedule example


Now that I have learnt the basics of all the tools, I also realize there is a lot to do. As I have ADHD (I am not even sure if that impacts manifestation) I am hoping for an example time-table to make use of these tools a way of life. Does anyone have such an example, of applying the tools from morning to sleep on a daily basis? 

Im looking for something like,
1. Wake up, set goals
2. Afternoon -  work on some limiting beliefs
3. Early evening, listen to x/y//z meditation
4. Night.. write down gratitude tips etc

If an hourly example can be provided with all things to do in a day, that would be so useful.

I'd like the maximal versionn... where later I can cut out a couple of things every now and then if I really cannot find time.




  • My daily time table is quite general. It is important to not get overwhelmed and stressed, or to set ourselves up for a sense of failure. General pre-paving of our day allows us to celebrate our accomplishes. We want to reinforce our successes all along the way. I would prefer to see a well thought out general time table that will produce a positive reward, reinforcer. And by the way, people I have worked with who have a diagnosis of ADHA turned into the most laser focused people ever. They had the ability to take all that energy and direct it at a goal so intensely that they became incredible deliberate co-creators. You have powerful abilities!♥️
  • I don't have ADHD per se, but I have two little. boys who make daily life hard to schedule, especially when it comes to having time to myself. Between running a small business from home, being a stay-at-home mom to them and keeping up the house, etc I find my "me time" is hard to come by. I'd love some help from other parents in here that have a good schedule to do their LOA practice. Also, I do tend to get a bit down on myself if, say I don't wake up early enough to do my morning meditation or I fall asleep putting the boys to bed and end up not doing my evening "changing the course of events" meditation. Then I've skipped a day and as I understand it, we're supposed to do it daily for at least 30 days. Well, I've done it probably 10 times (lost count!) in the last couple of weeks, so definitely missed a few days. Do I have to start over? Please help!
  • Yes, this was exactly my question... what is a list of tasks.. with recommended times... To apply various tools....
  • Hi there,

    Each person is different, so a list of tasks would be different for each person. However, you could slot out 30 minutes or an hour each day to work with one process from the course. And if you have time, do that again later in the day. Once you feel as though you've mastered that, you can move on to the next. 

    Shelia's suggestion of pre-paving is great! Visualize and/or say out loud each morning what you intend to accomplish for the next hour or so. Then, try it again. Add in your intentions. 

    For example, "This morning, I'm going to find five minutes to close my eyes and feel how wonderful it is to think about what I'm creating. Then I'm going to clean the dishes and continue to think and feel from that state as I do. Next, I'll answer the emails that are waiting for me. After that, I'll run my quick errand and it will be an easy and pleasant experience. I intend to feel good as much as possible during this next hour."

    That's just an example, but it can make the tasks seem a little less daunting and put you in the proper feeling state for going through your day. Then start over again - using small chunks to center yourself for that time period. Add in some of the course material as you feel you're able. 

    Erika, if you miss a day of the meditation, don't beat yourself up about it. That would be counter-productive to the work you're doing. It's okay!! Although I do recommend meditating into sleep whenever possible, sometimes it just doesn't happen! No big deal!  

    Be easy with yourselves so you're reducing your resistance. The journey is part of the fun! :) 


  • What is the best mediation to do for the morning, and which one for the evening? There are 4... I am mainly doing the changing the course of events one daily... and at times, the one to change frequencies... 

    which one is best for morning and which one for night?  Am I missing another key daily meditation?

  • You are not missing anything. You are doing a terrific job. Meditation is interesting. Each of us resonate differently to each meditation. Most people find it works best when they sample all the meditations and feel their way into the which is best for what time of day. Sometimes this even changes after awhile. What used to feel best to me in the morning can now feel better at night when I am relaxing into dream world.

    Again, you really are do a wonderful job! ♥️
  • Thank so you much Shiela. Because I am not able to find a 'DM' function here. I wanted to ask, can I send you some of my worksheets to check if I have done them correctly?
  • Sure, my email address is:
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