Getting stuck on the How

Hi Jessica,

As I got ready to work on 'The Big Goal' worksheet I went back to the 'Preparing for Change' worksheet and realized what I wrote is actually not my vision of end result, but more what I see as the next step on the way to my big goal/end result.

I think my mind is getting stuck on How things will happen, and finds it difficult to envision the end result because I don't know the exact steps towards the end result yet, even though I know exactly what it is I want.

Visualizing the steps leading up to the end result in the 'Changing the Course of Events' meditation is also a bit challenging for the same reason.

Can you give me some guidance on this please?

Thank you


  • Hi Stephanie!

    This is a great question and also very common!

    First, I think it's great that you were able to realize that your "Big Goal" was actually the ultimate manifestation you are creating. As stated in the first video in the course, THAT goal is the instruction you are going to rewire your brain with so it automatically takes you there! And I encourage you to go back and listen to that first video (maybe a few times) so you can offer more proof to your mind that the "how" isn't really necessary. 

    Also, any time your mind attempts to revert back to the "how", pick up your "Big Goal" worksheet, read it and then step into the visualization of that so you override that tendency. In my own past, I've literally told my mind that I am overriding it's old program in moments such as these, and that works very effectively!

    You can even move into the meditation at that point. And you don't have to focus too intently on the steps you're referring to in the meditation if those particular steps offer you resistance. You can just see yourself celebrating in those moments if you choose. The most important part of that meditation is creating that "jump" you take. If you need to stop it at that point and sit with the feeling states that it creates, do so! It might work better for you that way.

    I hope this helps! :)


  • Thank you Jessica I'm going to do that - very excited about creating the jump to my end result and I'm able to do it fairly easily.

    For the longest time I was unable to connect to my end vision as if I was there already - whenever I tried I could only see it very small and distant in the future, totally disconnected.

    Great method! 


  • You are so welcome! I look forward to hearing more about your success with the techniques in the course! :)
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