State of being dilemma

I have been facing a dilemma recently keeping my vibrations raised in the same way I have been doing last few weeks. I was doing great controlling my emotions and keeping my energies up most and controlling my thoughts during the day, with the help of meditations.
As I went back to the grind post covid lockdown, life and work got busier and I found myself more susceptible to the outer environment and what it threw at me from negativity to memories of the past.  I still resort to my quiet time at night to calm down and meditate but these incidents have triggered a question:

As I meditate, I easily elevate my emotions in an intention to manifest my desired goal, however, when I open my eyes I don't have these emotions for too long and I feel disconnected from my "manifestation reality or world", and now I am back to my old self and life. Until I get back home and reconnect again with my thoughts of manifestation and raise my frequency to match. I see a cycle here now spinning and I wonder if this is 1- common. 2- will it affect my journey to manifest and how. 3- what is the solution to this in your professional opinions.

P.S. I do have a reminder on my phone to monitor my emotions and thoughts that goes off 3 times a day. It helps me re-focus my attention on my desired goal, however, not always I get the elevated emotions due to the busy and noisy work environment I'm in which makes it a bit of a a challenge. 


  • Good morning Wafa. It's all okay. Nothing is going wrong. What you are experiencing is an opportunity for growth. In times of what seems like chaos we get to practice soothing ourselves. We get to practice flow. We get to practice letting go. We say to ourselves things like:

    It's okay.
    It's temporary.
    This too shall pass.
    It's just change, I am safe.
    I'm doing alright.
    I've come a long way, it's okay.
    I'm do the best I can right now.
    I honor where I am because I know how far I've come.
    I'm doing pretty good.

    In that self-talk, do you feel the softness coming over you? Feel as best you can right where you are, NOW. That is the most important goal always. No pushing on yourself, no criticizing yourself, no telling yourself scary stories about yourself or life.

    Everything is right on track. All is truly well.

    Smile, breath, sooth! ♥️
  • Thank you so much Shelia your reply is such a relief.  I do feel that I have come a long way, this UMM course has been a blessing in so many ways. 

    So it's safe to say that it's okay to feel disconnected or separated during the day, after experiencing the state of being needed to manifest my goal? meaning, I don't need to maintain that elevated emotions or the state of being most of the time? which is proven to be so challenging once I re-joined the normal life style and social engagements.  
  • By making it okay to be where we are, we are elevating our state! Granted, it may not be as elevated as we would like, but we have eliminated the shame and stress we feel about not being where we would like. We just keep practicing and know that "this too shall pass." What matters most is that we practice soothing ourselves emotionally as we move up the scale to better and better feeling emotions! ♥️
  • edited June 2020
    I see, now I understand you. Thank you shelia. <3 
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