Difficulty with the "Changing the Course of Events Meditation"

Hi Jessica,
Thank you for assembling this course.

I am having a very difficult time with the "Changing the Course of Events Meditation". I am having a hard time envisioning and sensing the details of places, events. 

As recommended, I do this at night when going to sleep. But I often fall asleep before the meditation is over.
Can I use this meditation through out the day while at work or doing other activities that do not require mental attention?

Any recommendation or suggestions on how to over come this?

Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you.



  • Hi Maya!

    A lot of people ask me about this exact subject!

    Interestingly enough, I put a video out yesterday on YouTube with exercises to strengthen your visualization muscles. And I have a
    meditation that I put out on YouTube today that will guide you through this. (I’ll
    put the links to those videos below if you haven’t already seen them.)

    I highly encourage you to use these 2 practices so you
    can get into a space of accessing the sensory memories in your mind at will. With
    practice, this will GREATLY enhance your visualization processes and the way
    you “sense the details”!

    To answer your other question:

    You can absolutely do this meditation during the day
    when you have time for yourself without any distractions (so you can focus on
    the guiding words).

    Falling asleep to it is also great, as your
    subconscious mind will absorb what is being said. However, there is a “conscious”
    process in there that I would recommend mastering first during your daytime
    visualization sessions. Then you could move on to listening to it in the

    I hope this helps!

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