
I have trouble letting go of a particular belief/feeling. Rejection which I think leads to feeling not good enough/worthy.
How do i change it? Not sure how to phrase it correctly to install a new belief and override the old feelings!! Thanks


  • Wanted to comes out as "Why not me?" Thats what I can't get out of my head
  • Remember Nicole, beliefs are simply thoughts that we've told ourselves repeatedly. Talk "new" to yourself. Say to yourself, "Well, that's an old thought stream. I see you and you have not power over me. I am not my life situation, I am pure energy. I am walking, talking love. I know the truth of me." Affirm the truth in every breath.

    You are already aware and alert. That's the biggest step. I celebrate your awareness! Be patient and keep affirming the truth of who you are. No matter what, stop and affirm the truth to yourself. Do this right now! And again in the next right now. Friday night seems to be your riches practice time. Breathe and affirm. Breathe and affirm. Breathe and...

    I think your struggles are going to pay off enormously! You are a powerful Being. Breathe and affirm.

    You are pure love and therefore worthy of all things. Remember and affirm that. ♥️
  • Thank you. Do I write an affirmation , like "I am loved and wanted". Should I do the programing of a new belief?
    I have trouble writing clear positive affirmations...
    Thanks again
  • Hi Nicole,

    That's a great question! In Shelia's post notice that she says, "stop and affirm the truth to yourself." This is really powerful because it puts you in a position of affirming what you ALREADY know to be true and positive in your life. I would encourage you to use what she has written in that post as a way to begin affirming new thoughts and beliefs. You can then build upon those affirmations as your belief systems start to shift. Here is a video I created that I believe will will also help you create some truth affirmations:

    I hope this helps!

  • Yes thank you. I should have been paying attention to Sheila's answer.
  • I think I have watched every video you have put out Jessica! Yet I don't remember seeing this one! I listen to the positive affirmations in the morning and at work. Basically anytime I can!!
    I have the affirmations to attract love, I am a powerful creator, positive subconscious questions, build creative confidence self worth. I switch on and off. I also listen to the music on the new channel! Depending on what I'm feeling.
    Trying to figure out which one would be the best to listen to at night?! I guess it also depends on what I'm feeling that day/night.

    I also bought the new book. 50 law of attraction exercises tips!
    Thank you again. Sometimes I just stop, like Sheila said, take in a deep breath and affirm "that is old and no longer the truth" then say the opposite
  • Yes! That affirmation is perfect!

    The main thing is to start where you are so you aren't trying to coerce your subconscious mind to believe something it doesn't. That rarely works. But when you're starting with a "truth," and then build upon that, you won't run into as much resistance. 

    I personally love the "powerful creator" affirmations and believe that would be a great one for you to focus on if it resonates with you. On the new channel, I do have one love frequency meditation that you may have already seen/listened to. And we will be creating more of those. 

    Something to remember when creating more love in your life is this: Your self-love must be stronger than your desire to be loved. It works the same way with abundance, health or anything else. For example, your self worth must be stronger than your desire to acquire money. The outer is attracted to the inner and it all starts within. 

    I get the great sense that you really are tuning into YOU and I believe you are doing a wonderful job at that! Thank you for supporting my work! I greatly appreciate you!

  • Thank you!! For the support and for what you do! I am determined to get there fully. Yes I listen to the love frequency almost everyday
    It's amazing what limiting, negative beliefs we carry about ourselves . For me for so so long!!
  • I am so proud of you Nicole! Good work! Remember, it's a life style not just something we do in a mirror a few times a day. It's 24/7 my friend! Welcome to the way! You are much loved! ♥️
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