Morning Routine

edited November 2020 in General
Dear all,

Hope you're all happy, healthy and wealthy (or on the way!) :)

I was keen to hear about everyone's morning routines and what you've found has and hasn't worked for you. I've become an early riser, specifically to try and grab a hold of my mornings and set myself up for the day. I'm not yet 100% convinced on what is the perfect routine, for me, just yet. However the current routine I'm performing is:

Wake up, hydrate, wash face
Writing/Scribing - 3 things I'm grateful for and then 5-10 minutes of journalling
Meditation - Jessica's meditations from the UMM course currently
Self development: UMM course videos and exercises

I also like to add in yoga at the very beginning some mornings.

Look forward to hearing about yours and what did and didn't work for you :)



  • What a wonderful morning routine Gareth! It feels to me that you are on a very dedicated path to transformation. You are amazing. I'm so grateful you are taking this course and sharing your experience with us. ♥️
  • One of my favorite things to do in the morning is wake up a few minutes early and stay in bed while doing a visualization process. This trains the body to break the habit of going straight into an old routine of picking up where it left off, so to speak. It also starts the day in a positive way, creating an intention for how things will unfold. A great little tool I learned from Dr. Joe Dispenza. :)

  • Sheila, thank you so much :) This kind comment has been very motivational for me, I appreciate it!

    Jessica - yes! That's a great idea; thank you for sharing. My alarm goes off at 4:55am normally so instead of snoozing until 5am, I am going to implement this.

    I am a real fan of Dr. Joe Dispenza, he's got such a way of talking you can't help but listen. Two others I follow are John Assaraf and Ed Mylett, although Ed is more business focussed than spiritual/science based, he's well worth a look in!

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