Changes after I've taken the course for 1 month

With great encouragement from Jessica, I am humbled to post some of the changes I observed after I've taken UMM course for a month.
I sincerely appreciate all the insights I got from this forum, and want to provide support to my tribe fellows, and to my leaders (Jessica, Shelia).

I have been practicing “changing the course of events” and “raising your vibration and cleaning negative energy” every day, I found the “person manifestation action plan” is a great aid for me too. On 1/24/2021, I wrote my self observations as below:
It’s a month now for my study on manifestation. (the month before I had a lot of ad hoc learnings too, which led to this.) I am a different person now. I am following a great routine, start and end my day with meditations. I get up at 4:45am everyday, and possess high energy until bed time, 10:15pm. More frequently, when meditating, I feel sparkling, sizzling, and/or vibrating inside me. I worry or think about my sleep less and less, and the quality of my sleep is better and better. I have vivid dreams every night. My face is brighter and glowing, the skin on my face feels like silk. The lumps under my skin on my forehead are disappearing, and my head is light and clear. I can walk > 1H without feeling ache anywhere. I do my Bikram Yoga with more intensity and depth. I learn/listen something interesting (mostly in spiritual world) every single day, (Wayne, Neville, Florance, Abraham, etc). I am so much more aware of my internal, I feel happy and uplifting most of the time, I can get out of negative emotions much quicker and easier. I have a lot more love and appreciation to Wendy and kids, . I started to understand and accept that “god is inside me and I am god”. I manifested a few things, or successful results, and I have lot more confidence on my manifestations.

Love you all!


  • How wonderful Weiqing! Thank you so much for sharing your story of success with us. Reading it made me so happy. Your success is my success. We all benefit from your expansion. Thank you for making our world better. ♥️
  • I second what Shelia said! And I greatly appreciate you sharing your success with others here! Our words hold so much power and your success testimony has the great ability to create an amazing shift in someone else. Thank you!
  • Yeah, I am so grateful we are connected.
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