How to program a new powerful belief.

I've had to do this twice. The 2nd time saying the 1 affirmation over and over.

I had a very physical reaction in which I was nearly sick. Is this normal?

I did the standing test afterwards and got a yes.


  • Hi Sarah,

    Yes! This is perfectly normal. 

    As we are all born happy, creative beings, you can think of this old program as something you picked up along the way and that you are now choosing to release. These processes show you how to remove old programming that blocks you so you don't have to consciously "effort" for the things you want in life. When we begin to challenge old memories or "programs," it's very possible to stimulate an old reaction. Essentially, you're changing (healing) the old pattern at the root level and releasing any emotional trauma associated. Sometimes that shows up in a physical way, such as feeling sick. 

    If you find a particular exercise to cause a level of discomfort that you aren't open to experiencing, you can use the other processes to ease your way through the course. However, I am excited that you successfully installed the new belief! Congratulations on that major success and the work you are doing to create positive change in your life! :)

  • Hi Sarah, I'm glad you're here with us as you are embarking on this life changing course. All kinds of odds things happen as we do this work. There is no normal. We are all different. This is a path of transformation. You are strong I can see that. I admire your commitment and I, along with Dr. Connor, are here to support you in anyway we can on this journey. Be gentle and loving to yourself above all. I look forward to hearing more about your experience. You are amazing!

    Shelia ❤️
  • dumping the old baggage needs to be supported .  listen to these affirmations from Jessica .  they have helped me .

    REPROGRAM Your Subconscious Mind Before You Sleep Every Night

  • Thank you all
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