Old tapes

Ho Jessica and Sheila
Would you help me me please?
 I observe that i still have fears and sadness relating to spending money freely and getting what I want...it is a huge old conditioning and I am quite frugal and discerning  of what i will pay for something ( I dont think thats a bad thing all the time.).But I will deny myself things that I would like to have because of the perceived ''cost" I have been re-writing things I say to myself
And this is what I have come up with for this;-

 (How much is it ? that’s so
expensive Im not paying that  everybody
wants MONEY!)

I have more than enough money to not to ever worry about the monetary
exchange for what I want ..if it is something I want and choose to have I abundantly
share my wealth and everybody wins!!
Would you suggest where, to really get to the core of this please ?
I will work on limoting decisions ..but is there anything else I can use in the program /|
Thank you

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  • Celebrate the awareness you have. Awareness is the beginning. Remember, this isn't an overnight matter. This is a way of life that requires practice and discipline. You are doing an amazing job. Celebrate you! I promise that as you continue your practices you will get to the place where you know at a soul level that everything is energy. From that place of true knowing, money will represents nothing more than energy. You will understand that as a foundational truth. You will see the Oneness and abundance everywhere.

    Right now what I am seeing is a lack of self worth. Work on loving yourself unconditionally, work on knowing the truth of who you are. You are an extension of "All That is." You deserve the best of everything and there will always be enough because you are enough.

    Our outside world is a reflection of our inside world. Be gentle and easy. Don't fret or worry. Welcome old beliefs into your awareness. They are opportunities to go deeper into your awakening. We will be doing this work for this lifetime. It is the nature of this dimension. Play with it, don't take it to seriously. Laugh at yourself and celebrate your path. You are doing a fine job. Keep it up. Practice your tools. Use Jessica's meditations as if they were oxygen. You are worthy and deserving. Money is nothing more than energy. There is plenty of that green energy. Clinging to it interrupts the flow of it. You are a blessed Creation.

    Shelia ♥️
  • Beautiful, Shelia!

    Money IS energy. And you've recently announced just how powerfully you've created the energy of abundance in your own life. And now you KNOW you can create that any time you choose. So, if you spend money on something you would like to have (an experience), you already have a reference that you have the ability to create more. 

    My suggestion would be to build upon what you have already created and the belief that corresponds with that. How did it feel to create it? How did it feel just before you created it? Were you relaxed? Happy? Feeling some sort of freedom or secureness? You have already begun creating the belief and energetic component that you can create/have abundance. Try building your belief by saying some 'truisms" to yourself, such as:

    I know how to create money in my life.
    I recently created a large sum of money in my life and I am able to do it again.
    When I create money, I love the feeling it produces within me.
    That feeling feels like _____________
    That feeling is the feeling of being abundant.
    I can create that feeling any time I choose just by thinking of the money I already created.
    When I spend money, I can also create the feeling of _______
    I am learning to spend money as easily as I create money.
    I am giving myself permission to feel abundant when I spend money in the same way I felt abundant when I created it.
    When I spend money, I know I can create more in my life because I've already proven to myself that I can do this.

    Here is the link to a video I created with a process that you might also find helpful. It's geared more towards manifesting money, as opposed to feeling worthy to spend it. However, you can adjust the process to assist you in the same way and tune into the energy of money. I hope this helps!

  •  Thank you So Much Both of you
    I am a great observer... I never stop!! and  So Yes Sheila I will relax into Welcoming old beliefs into my awareness.  ( I always have actually) and go
    deeper into my awakening. It really is Lifetime's work...it certainly has been ( Funny because I say almost the same words as you have said ,to others...we teach what we most need to know and be LOL
    Thank you so much for the  Truisms Jessica and the meditation
    They are now on my Daily checklist, that I read Morning and night!!
    Wonderful stuff!!
     Thank SO much for your support ..sometimes being so driven to become whole  and one   is Big
    I will be more gentle with me ( Ive been told to do that since my early 20's)
    Lots f Love and endless Gratitude
     Kiki  xxx
     P.S aside from the $10K I am now receiving a residual income of $1500+ per week ...so its VERY real
    My inner me ,soul brain beliefs just need to catch up!!
  • Look at all of the abundance you are creating! That is so amazing!!  

    Congratulations to you, Kristin!  I love how dedicated you are to this journey. :)  
  • I second that Kiki! You are an inspiration! ♥️
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