Challenging False Beliefs

I bought this course a week ago and am just starting it. I'm already stuck on the first step.The directions tell us to fill in the blanks using our "Ideal Manifestation".  That's where I am stuck or my Creative Machine ( subconscious ego mind) is stone walling me. There are several things I want in my life, it's not just one. How do I get to just one?  For example I feel I should be financially independent by now, I've made a lot of money over the years but have not been able to hold on to money, to save money, to put into investments... etc.....I pretty much self sabotage.   I also have worthy issues. Am I worthy to have a lot of money. Am I worthy to happy.... to have abundance.  That probably stems from growing up in the christian church that has the view of money is root of all evil and we are to be servant.  I totally get patterns, adopting beliefs, I am following the pattern my dad lived.  He made a ton of money but ended up declaring bankruptcy , I was close to that once.  I also want love, joy & affection in my relationship with my wife. The desires or goals is a long list. I want to travel and enjoy the world.  I should be retired by now.  So can someone give me guidance so I can get past the subconscious program that is stalling me.


  • Hi John,

    Yes, those are all very distinct goals. However, when reading your email I sum all of those things up into the "happiness" category. And as you move through the techniques in the course, you can use happiness as your goal. With any of the visualization processes you can make happiness include ALL of those things. So, you don't really have to choose just one. (Or, you could if you prefer.)

    The question is, "What does Ultimate Happiness look like to you?"  And, "What would your life look like if you had that?"  You kind of said it yourself in your message when you stated, "Am I worthy to be happy?"  Happiness can mean that you are financially free with a beautiful relationship where you get to travel the world. None of those have to be mutually exclusive. You can have them ALL under the category (ideal manifestation) of ultimate happiness.

    I hope that makes sense and that it helps you proceed to the next steps! :) 

  • Thank you John and Jessica for this conversation.
    I am benefited and learning a lot from the questions on this forum.

    I found the idea of labeling the goal as "Happiness" extremely helpful as this will include all aspects that would lead to happiness. However, I have a question on that: Do I have to define what these different aspects are? And/Or do I have to visualize the different aspects that would bring happiness? Ex if for me happiness means a successful and happy relationship and professional career, do I have to visualize the details of  having or being that?

    Thank you
  • Good question Maya! It is my experience that everything we want in life is because we believe that in the having, doing, or being of that thing we will find the happiness we seek. Because happiness is on the inside, and is a vibration, the more details I can fill in while visualizing the better. It raises my vibrational frequency! In that state of higher vibration the Law of Attraction brings to me things that match that frequency. I like to remember that I'm reaching for the best feeling state I can find. If details feel not so good, go general. If details begin to increase the good feelings get more specific. I hope you find this helpful.♥️
  • I too grew up in the Christian faith and believed money was the root of all evil. I quickly discovered that that was more of a man made word of lines instead of the ones Our Father speaks. If that makes sense.

    I had to wipe the slate clean and literally throw out everything I once believed to be true.
  • Yes Angela, I understand that! Many beliefs around money have to be examined. Money is just energy. It represents freedom. Sometimes it is helpful to think as money as freedom which allows us to enjoy life, care for our families and serve others. "Love of money" is the part of that scripture left out. That changes the meaning all together. I love freedom and on this physical plane money is necessary for freedom. Sounds like you are doing a great job with this life changing work!♥️
  • Sheila, thank you. I'm just beginning!
  • Sheila, for me the whole reason for buying this course is to get myself to the "hapoiness" I desire.
    The words you are using do not help me. I've been studying law of attraction for many years. If I could raise my vibration and find the feeling if happiness on my own, why would I need this course?
    Yes I agree it is the "getting" of the things we want we believe will make us happy.
    Isn't the point if the course to get us to this point? Changing our subconscious mind, bringing the things into our reality, changing our reality and previous beliefs?
    Going general is quite difficult, I honestly do not even know how to go general.
    Again another reason for this course.
    The meditation Changing the course of events, how do I go general when I'm seeing my end result to get me to that place?
    I'm not trying to be rude in any way . The language you are using is almost verbatim to Esther Hicks and Abraham.
    I thought I was doing better with the course but I feel like I'm back to where I started.
  • I believe I understand what you are expressing Nicole. I am sure you are not going backwards. This course is solid and full of powerful reprograming tools. As I practice it, I have found it helpful to get some momentum going in the direction I desire if it is not already there. Going general just means that I'm feeling myself gently (through words of affirmatioms) into the state which allows me to easily see my end result. This has been especially helpful when practicing the brain integration work and visualization techniques. And you are right about me sounding like the teachings of Abraham. They are steeped in me. I am positive that you will receive a comment or two that you do find helpful. I fully admire your commitment to the course and your willingness to be honest with me.♥️
  • As I just commented on the other post. I do apologize. I'm just extremely frustrated with myself. I just can not seem to change my beliefs, thoughts and feelings for a consistent amount if time.
    I don't really believe the affirmations no matter how hard iften I say and write them.
    I said I would give the program at least 30 days and then 60. I am falling short of that goal. My negatively and programmed beliefs seem to strong for me to overcome.
    I do appreciate the love and help. It's a great course as I had mentioned to Jessica preciously. Quite different than any other course/programs I have tried.
    I hope and wish for everyone to complete the course and manifest their dreams
  • No apology necessary! It really is wonderful that you are being authentic in your process. I respect that very much!
  • Nicole,  I too have had a challenging time 
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