Deep Healing Deep Gratitude Part 1

Healing Deep Gratitude Part 1

Dear Jessica,

I would like to share the deep healing I have done over the past couple of days
and the very deep gratitude I have for this work.

I have done a lifetime of healing...really deep trauma work Starting at around
age 21 ...and I am 60 this year.


This work
has really taken me to a deeper yet simpler and more profound way of healing..-even
some things that I thought were completely gone.


We really
do spiral around to deeper work and healing when we have the support to do so

For the last 2 days I had been triggered into lots of grief.


My parents were both extreme narcissists  and  there was much violence in my childhood (  they.Having their own childhood damage, as we
all do, to some degree)


And there was profound neglect and abuse .

 I was pretty much denied everything- and
as the eldest girl of 3 boy siblings I lived a life of slavery- Never being
allowed ..well pretty much ...anything.


certainly not allowed for anything to be about me or even entertain the idea of
knowing what I wanted.


drove me in my Mid 20's after having my son, to pursue a career and vocation in
healing work.

It has been an holistic way of looking at the body mind spirit and deep
emotions we carry that create un-ease  ( dis-ease)in our bodies and minds
( the symptoms of a deeper cause).

Today I got to a very deep  issue ..

Yesterday I took the top layer of that issue and thought I was done until I
woke in the early hours of this morning with sadness and heaviness in my chest
and I knew the work was not done ( yet).

It can be frustrating  and distressing to think you have cleared
something, only to find something else  is weighing on you

But I ( eventually ) welcomed it( it wasn’t going away, so what else do you

 I used the Left hand right Hand writing to ask my inner self what was
happening and how I was feeling and what made me feel that way...and got to the
deep decision I had made when I was young that “it has to be about everybody
else and not about  me “and that I wasn't allowed to know what I wanted
for me .

This has plagued me all my life  up until now…Not really knowing what I
wanted ..or even knowing how to know what I wanted. Or if what I thought 
I  wanted was really what I wanted

Cray Cray making stuff!
continued in part was longer than I thought)

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