Greetings from Pittsburgh PA

Hello Everyone,
I just joined the Ultimate Manifestation Mastery Course yesterday and am looking forward to tying all of the information I've learned over my lifetime together into a coherent "package" that actually works!  I feel like I've been collecting the puzzle pieces my entire life (literally since age 5)... from The Seth Material (1970's) to Polyvagal Theory (2000's)... and am ready to make my Real dreams come true.  Looking forward to this process!


  • Hello Heidi! I am so glad to meet you. What fun we will have watching your puzzle pieces fall into place! I believe you and I speak many of the same languages. Welcome my friend!

    Shelia ♥️
  • Welcome to the forum, Heidi! So happy to have you here. 

    I have just responded to your email but wanted to greet you here as well. (I am also a Seth fan.) And like Shelia, I am excited to see your success!

    Please let us know if we can assist you in any way.

  • Thanks to both of you!

    I've been searching this forum for answers to one of my main life questions... "What do I REALLY want?"  

    I sent my goals-in-1-year to Jessica, and the first entry is "I know what I REALLY want with clarity - where I want to be, how to spend my money, who I will support, who I feel strongly connected with, and if I want a 2nd career."  (and etc.)

    I'm very fortunate to be retired, free, and really happy and deeply satisfied and grateful much of the time.  Yes there are some improvements on my list, but I don't feel 100% passionate about any of my goals, because I don't really believe they will make me "happier."  Is there an exercise in this course that will help me to discern "What I really want?" with more clarity?

    Side note, I've done a certain manifestation exercise in the past that was extremely effective...but at those times, my clarity was razor-sharp and I just simply "did the work" in a matter-of-fact way.  Then I'd try it on some other goals that I thought were important, but the energy would fizzle out after about a week and I'd lose interest.

    PS - I asked an "enlightened" friend, "So why would I want to be enlighted?  What happens next?"  He chuckled and simply said, "Then you can live a life of folly."  Hmmmmm.... ?

    Thank you in advance!
  • This question and answer is great!!

    "So why would I want to be enlighted? What happens next?" He chuckled and simply said, "Then you can live a life of folly!"

    I agree! Joy at every corner no matter what. Beautiful!! ❤️
  • Hi Heidi, 

    The "What do I REALLY want?" question comes up often! From my perspective, what you really want is to be clear about what you really want. There's a recognition that your goals may not make you "happier," as you stated. Reason being - it's an inside job! So, the question I would ask is this: What makes you REALLY happy? 

    Happiness is at the root of most of our goals and desires. And defining what makes us happy can give a us a clear idea on what we want to create, if we need to intentionally create something new at all.

    If I were to point you to something in the course to assist with this, I suggest "My Personal Manifestation Action Plan" in the bonus section of the course. The first exercise in that booklet may be of some assistance, but there are other great tools there as well.  

    That said, your postscript says quite a lot! At the end of the day, sitting in our own happiness seems like a worthy goal in and of itself. In fact, it may just be that THAT is what everyone is ultimately looking for. :) 
  • Thank you both!  I'm printing that action plan today.   :-) 
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