I am looking for new friends with obsession for the subconscious mind and accountability partner(s)!

Hello There lovely people!

A short introduction here! My name is Iwan and i am from the Netherlands. I have an insane obsession about the mind and i am learning everything about it!
But sometimes i feel very alone in my journey because i dont know any other people like me.

Now i would love to meet new people! i dont care who you are or where you are from  as long as your hart is pure! 

I also feel like i really need an accountability partner! is there any1 here who feels the same and want to get in contact with me?

Nice to meet you all and im looking forward to new friends and conversations!


  • Hi Iwan! Welcome to the tribe!

    I'm super happy that you were the first brave soul to inquire about an accountability partner and believe this is a very helpful tool. It's amazingly beneficial to be supported on this personal journey of growth. 

    Who else is ready for this type of support and friendship? :)
  • Heey Jessica! 

    Thank you so much! 

    I really feel like it would help me so much to have some one who i can sparr with about this whole course and all the information, and like i said some  one to hold me accountable.
    And its always lovely to meet new people who are on the same road.

    It's a pleasure to be a part of this community.

    So people send me a message and lets grow together!! :)

  • I am enjoying this thread tremendously. I believe we each attracted this course into our lives for many reasons. One being the desire to connect with like minded people. As one teacher puts it, we are on the leading edge of conscience expansion. We are in the top 1%. I personally have asked for more like minded friends to come into my field. I'm grateful we have come together for the purpose of growth and expansion. Welcome!

    Shelia ❤️
  • My name is Donald.  I am in Idaho.
    Iwan,  I have observed that the closer I get to truth, the more alone I find myself, in this world.

  • Hello Donald, welcome to the forum. It is wonderful that we have become vibrational matches for one another. I understand your experience of feeling alone as you continue to recalibrate your energy. I think many of us create the "alone" reality somewhere along our process. However, because we are recalibrating consistently we know that the reality we have created in the Now is temporary. We understand that whatever we focus on, we get more of . If we allow the momentum of our focus to reach critical speed, then we will continue to create the same reality for ourselves over and over. When I catch myself focusing on being alone (and I do) I remind myself that this experience was created by me and I have the power to create a new one. I affirm that I am part of the One, that I am in the process of attracting to myself more like minded friends. I reach for the feeling of gratitude. I walk around loving all my creations. I say to the trees, my dog, my coffee, the flowers, my candle, my bed, and on and on "I love you," "I appreciate you." When I intentionally use my power of focus, my reality changes. You are powerful. You have attracted this course to yourself. You are already drawing unto yourself that which you desire. There are many of us and we are in the process of coming together! I am grateful you are amongst us now. Thank you for reaching out with your desire for more of us! You are much loved and appreciated.

    Shelia ❤️
  • Heey Donald! nice to meet you!

    And i really feel you there haha, well atleast in the real world! and i might sound weird but i never feel really alone tbh because i feel i am my own best friend and i will always have my back no matter what! i can laugh with me and im always enjoying myself even in bad times, i feel that is so important! 
    But again i really feel ya!
    I want to share so much stuff with like minded people and share thoughts and opinions and learn and grow together!

    I am wondering Donald what is your definite chief aim in this human life ? :D

  • Also nice to meet you Shelia !!

    You share some very good wisdom there! thanks alot for the tips to its really apreciated!

    I also have a question for you! i want to do so much stuff in my head but sometimes i get overwhelmed and dont know where to start, and then i dont start at all and all i am doin is consuming instead of creating.

    I really want to start helping people while earning some money meanwhile to because i feel money is really important and it has to be in the hands of people like me!

    You have any advice for me on where to start ?
  • Yes I do. Start where you are. Trust that it is all unfolding. Your desire has already manifested in the energetic dimension. It already exist! The only thing keeping it from materializing into the physical is resistance. Resistance looks like work, effort, trying, doubting, worrying, pushing against what's in front of you. Resistance feels like overwhelm, anxiety, indecisiveness, judgement, criticism, and so on. Learn and practice soothing yourself. Remind yourself of the truth of who you are. There is a perfect path (many perhaps) that will lead you to your desired destination. Our job it to let go, relax into the Now, and joyfully look for signs that light up the path. Be gentle and easy with yourself. Find the fun in the process, play. In doing these things we are able to be of maximum service to others. The money will flow, as it is just energy also. Our real job is to find things and thoughts that feel good. Affirm that all is well, that everything is on track. Think, visualize, talk about only what aligns with your goal. Be excited for what is to come. It is already done! And breathe.

    Shelia ❤️
  • Shelia
    I did not intend to give the impression that being alone is a bad thing, on the contrary, as people, the general population falls away, it can be an indicator that you've got it right.
    My central goal is to realize unequivocal compassion for all.

  • Thank you for the clarification Donald. Yes, you are right. I agree with you totally. My impression probably had some projection in it.
  • Shelia,
    Yesterday, I posted a question, saw it post to the page, and now, it's gone.  A computer glich I presume. 
    My question was; may we discus "Lucid Dreaming," its utility, and its priority.

  • Hi Donald,

    I've had many discussions with lucid dreamers and have experienced this myself. Personally, I find myself connecting deeply with another realm when this happens. It becomes so "real" to my mind that there is no denying it as fact. And these are the same sentiments I hear from others who have lucid dreams. 

    Although I don't believe it is the only path to creating intentionally (as there are many), I do know that some people find it quite useful. And others find it an "effort" to incorporate into their routine. Perceptions vary on the subject.

    I would love to hear your experience and thoughts on this. :)

  • I could talk on the subject of dreaming, lucid or not, all day. We are pure consciousness. Our bodies are like spacesuits. We are not only pure consciousness, we are multidimensional. We exist in many realms. When we sleep we get to slip out of these bodies and continue doing what we do, which is create. In a lucid dream we get to create our reality without the added time space aspect. It is wonderful learning. Practice, if you will. I suspect that we are in a dream state now. It's all a dream. This earthly life only feels "real" because we created the time space lag. It's fun to remember the truth of who we are. We are multidimensional beings. Pure consciousness. Powerful creators. We are here learning to be intentional in our creations. Isnt it fun! Nothing serious going in. ♥️
  • Dr. Connor,
        Thank you for your response.
        I have no experience in lucid dreaming.  I have encountered the topic in multiple forums, lucid dreaming is touted as a means to expedite the "Law of Attraction," process.  I recently read, A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming: Mastering the Art of Oneironautics.  I am still not sure how to influence my mind toward my manifestation goals  when I am able to become lucid in a dream.  My dreams are at times quite vivid, not always pleasant, still, I believe becoming lucid in dreams an attainable skill.  The methods to reaching lucidity all speak of writing dreams down immediately upon awakening.  It has been my understanding that meditation should begin in the morning as quickly as possible after the objective mind becomes aware.  When I do this, by the time I am finished with meditation, the dreams are largely gone.  Do the benefits of lucid dreaming outweigh the benefits of silencing the committees in my head.  Can I change the structure of my subconscious mind in lucid dreams, if so what would be the method for this?
        Hypnosis accesses the subconscious mind, would hypnosis be a viable means to restructuring thought patterns?

    Donald Perry
  • Shelia
    You are correct.  I have lived long enough to have examined most, if not all of the evidence, and have come to the inescapable conclusion that there is really little to be taken too very seriously in this life, least of all, ME. 
  • Hi Donald,

    The point of writing your dreams down immediately is to begin to become consciously acquainted with your dream state. For the purpose of building the lucid dreaming skills, this is a great practice. Maybe you could write your dreams down first and then meditate directly afterwards. Just a thought.

    That said, lucid dreaming is not the only means to expedite the creation process. In fact, the law of attraction is working for you ALL the time, not only when you're practicing the tools intentionally. If you find that the process of learning to lucid dream is not something you are enjoying, I recommend incorporating the belief that there are many ways to attain your goals and that lucid dreaming is simply only one of those ways. It takes a bit of practice. And if I'm being honest, I rarely try to do it. 

    The most powerful way I've found to restructure my subconscious mind is through meditation, especially as I'm drifting off to sleep. I visualize my end goal as I'm doing this, incorporating as much sensory detail as possible and feeling how it would really feel if I were in that scene. I let everything else go in that moment and tell myself that THAT is MY time for ME. This helps me relax into the process. Hypnosis can be effective. However, you can impress those deeper parts of your mind just as easily through meditative practices in my opinion.

    I hope this helps! :)

  • Thank You for your speedy response Dr. Connor
  • You are most welcome!
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