I'm very curious to know your insights and research on the topic of "FEELING" something and "SEEING" something... is one more effective than the other when it comes to manifesting?
I studied NLP, read the book/research by Dawna Markova (The Open Mind), and studied Anna Wise/Judith Pennington (Meditation Training & brain waves). My generic "order" of processing information is Kinesthetic (beta), Auditory (alpha), Visual (theta/delta). However, I've not yet deeply considered these topics in relation to manifesting as you teach in your UMM course. I know you focus on all of the senses, but I'm curious if you can say more about it? Is one proven to be more effective than the other, or is it most effective to just use our body's nervous system natural "order?"
I'm not readily Visual, but my deepest insights come to me in the Visual mode (when my brain waves are much slower). I've been practicing your 5-fingers exercise every day before I listen to your meditation, and I'm getting better at it! I suspect that I'd be able to train my brain to be more Visual if that is a strong positive indicator to be able to manifest more effortlessly. I LOVE experimenting with my brain :-)
PS - Regarding my "Big Goal"... I've decided to let go of any concern over what that may be, and I'm slowly developing my own list of Subconscious Questions. :-)
I've noticed that very interesting things are popping up in my daily experience that give me new food for thought on things I already really enjoy!
ADDED NOTE: I just pulled up one of your YouTube meditations on using all of the senses - VISUAL was first (red, then blue, then field of flowers, etc.). It was very difficult for me and all of the colors were mostly black/brown; then I remembered an NLP technique of LOOKING UP for Visual (my eyes were closed the whole time). I realized that I was looking DOWN at first... my go-to kinesthetic access! It was much easier to "see" once I looked up! Now I'm 100x more curious... 8-D
The mechanism of Creation is so elegant and perfect... makes me wonder how we made it so unnecessarily complex! :-)
It makes me think of computer programming! The code executes exactly as you program it. Period. If it aborts, you look for the bug and fix it. If you want more functionality, you code it in. No drama, no lamenting, no nonsense. But somebody has to go into the code and tinker with it! The “language” in our case is Feeling, not Fortran nor C+ haha 8-D
Anyway... I’m going to keep playing with all of it! Thanks for the Neville tip!
Shelia ❤️
So...I was so smitten with Neville Goddard’s book, that I decided to read another one called THE POWER OF AWARENESS. I am now on my second time through it, and I’m beyond astonished. He is brilliant, and his clarity is razor sharp...I’m beyond inspired! Such genius! I feel like this work is not “work” - it’s more like a curious adventure!
Thank you again for recommending to read his work!!