Big Goal - Update

So I'm 30+ days into the UMM program and I've been doing a meditation every day.  Yesterday, when I was about 2/3 of the way through the "Changing the Course of Events" meditation with my Big Goal (I stuck to the same one for about 20 of the days, pretty enthusiastically), I COMPLETELY lost interest in that Big Goal.  :-(  

I literally could not summon up ANY interest in that goal so I stopped the meditation (so I would not be stressed).  But I'm not going to lie...this is really frustrating!  When I look at my worksheets, it's as though I don't even recognize who wrote the goals!  Is it possible that I really don't want anything at all?  Is this a sign of some deep belief I need to dismantle?  (I've done the Bonus Clearing/Release Negative Energy about 5 times too)

Does this happen to other people?  I'm stumped.




  • Hi Heidi,

    I believe we all go through times when we aren't certain of exactly what we want to create next. In a sea of endless possibilities, we might think we want certain things only to find out that it is something else we want to create. It could be that we want a lot of things and just haven't fine-tuned which one we would like to experience most, making the "deciding" or the "choosing" the part that becomes our focus in those moments. The frustration then sometimes lies in thinking that we might spend our time doing one thing when that thing could be taking time away from something else we'd like even more. 

    Ultimately, it's the experiences we want to have. It's the adventure, the journey. To experience is to "do" things. The more we do things, the more we realize what we like and what we dislike. This formula can help us become laser-focused on the experiences we choose. 

    The course is designed to help you optimize this process. However, time spent exploring the options physically is a great guide as well. When I'm feeling uncertain, I go out and try new things that stretch my boundaries a little further than they've ever been. Sometimes I like those new things, sometimes I don't. Oftentimes, when I try new things, I meet new people with new insights. I see new options. I gather new information about the sea of possibilities. 

    Do you think there could be the possibility of an experience that you haven't had just yet that is perfect for you, and that there is a part of you that is pushing you to explore new options? And would you be willing to push yourself past the things you already know to see if something new excites you to the point that you say "YES, that's IT!"? Even if it meant experiencing a little discomfort in the process?

    There are many things that I don't know. But I do know that I like new experiences. And I know that sometimes the way for me to get there is to move past what I already know to learn about something I don't. The risk is always worth the reward. And at the very least, I always become energized by this process. I can then go into my toolbox of meditations and processes and begin the fun adventure of adding all of the details to create my vision exactly as I choose for it to be. And then I get to watch it unfold in a beautiful way. :)
  • Thank you Jessica, this definitely makes sense.  I feel so happy and grateful so much of the time; perhaps I need a bit of a "nudge" to imagine that there is a possibility of being Even Happier!  Interesting thought!

    Your response will have me thinking of adventures I've loved and ones I've not loved so much...and Why.
    I think one thing that keeps me confused is that my most favorite experiences have involved meditation, sitting in a chair, and learning amazing new things about our brains!!!  Not exacly an Olympic Event.  :-)

    Interestingly, in the past few days I've learned that I can immediately increase my retirement income by $15K per year!  
    I feel this is a DEFINITE "hit" and confirms (yet again) that this process works!

    XO and Thank you,
  • That's awesome, Heidi! Congratulations on the experience of new money! :)

    Meditation can take us into that dreamy place that we sometimes prefer. But as (partially) physical beings, we are also designed to experience physical things. Balance is key. 

    Keep us updated on your progress and your successes! This helps everyone that participates in the forum. I am grateful for your contributions!
  • Thank you!

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