Hi Ladies
It seems I've hit a road block
I haven't slept much in the last 2 weeks and an waking at 2-4am in fight and flight ( so I just get up and process what is present for me at this time...and theres been masses of stuff)
Im really needing a break from it ...but its not letting up and I dont even know if I am on the right track or really re-leasing anything ...well it kinda feels like... that as after all this time (35 years) I am still finding really deep nuances of core stuff I do feel things shift but its relentless at the moment
Ive just gotten up again and journal-ed what is present for me...
As I shared a month or so ago, I have this most amazing new energy new paradigm passive income where everybody wins...I so want people to know about it and am sharing it with lots of people but what is being reflected back to me ..is people dont hear me .. or ignore me,.Or there is something more important for them to do rather than look at this..they get sick or forget to have a look ...would rather stay stuck in old prosperity consciousness or they show up on a ,mastermind with me and their sound wont work etc etc etc
I wrote this morning about of this and I can see quite honestly..it reflects what happened to me as a kid
I just never got seen or heard or looked after or, or ,or anything ..I never even had a teddy bear( Im not kidding) ...I may sound as if I feel like a victim here but a lot of these things hold no emotion for me anymore
I'm angry I'm sad and Im SICK of this pattern that I have worked on time and time again and I feeling very discouraged and down and bitter
I dont want to cry anymore
Im exhausted.
I lived in " Hope" as a Kid that things would change and realised as I was gardening yesterday ..that I am doing that again...but being in " Hope" for me ...feels hopeless
I feel like keeping this all to myself and just shutting everybody out! ( Yep I'm having a tantrum)
A so I am writing this I can see where/what I need to process
I'm just so tired and I have no sounding board elsewhere
and I dont know if I am missing something here...
I am here for every body when they need but nobody, it feels at the moment, is there for me( I even wrote here yesterday and My post just disappeared LOL
Boy I Feel stuck and in groundhog day!!
May I please have some help ?
I'm off to see what I can do whilst I await your reply ( More timeline regression future memory and core belief reboot)
Masses of appreciation to you both Sheila and Jessica i
Kiki xxx
That was a lot! What you are describing is fear. Just plain old fear. It is the human condition. It is the dominant energy of the collective consciousness right now. As conscious creators we are practicing becoming deliberate in our manifestations. We are learning to not be dominated by the energy of the masses. What we think, feel and speak becomes our future experiences. You are on the path you've chosen simply by being aware of how you feel. That is very good. You are authentic in the experience of all that contrast. You are getting very clear about what you do want by experiences all that you do not want. That is important. It is a necessary piece of the process. Do not fret. Instead accept. Stop fighting. Surrender to what is. The answer to fear is Love. Start right where you are and begin loving yourself. You may ask, "Shelia, how do I do that!" Here's how. The first thing I want you to do is buy yourself a teddy bear. You are your own parent now. See that teddy bear as your inner child. When the fear surfaces I want you to project it onto the little bear. Then I want you to soothe that bear because she is you. How would you treat that little one? What would you say? Here are some things I say to my little Shelia (who is represented by a teddy bear):
It's ok.
Your going to be okay.
This is temporary.
I am with you.
You are good.
You are worthy.
Together we are going to create the life we desire.
You are worthy.
You are loved and loving.
It's okay, I got you.
Say the things you would naturally say to a child. As you do that feel the shift happen. Feel your vibration rise. We must love ourselves. That is paramount. Love is the answer. You are worthy!
My bear sleeps with me. Goes to my office with me and travels with me. As I soothe her I am soothed. It's quite simple. Love is the vibration we want to conjure for ourselves. Take it slow, be gentle. Take full responsibility for your experiences. You truly are the creator. Remember, it's attraction, attraction, attraction, attraction, attraction. Write down what you want to attract. Focus on your list. Turn your cheek away from the negativity you have attracted. Take it slow, be easy. This is our practice. This is the process. The past is done, over! Today you have the choice of where you focus your attention. Only you can do this for you. Stay close to the course, use the tools given us in the course. Practice, practice, practice. You will get better and better and better. You are much loved.
Shelia ❤️
I'm going to get her now
Yes it is fear .
Fear of a little girl never getting loved and nurtured and protected ...I see that now and have progressed immeasurably since I wrote this post
You are so right LOVE IS the answer...
Thank you xxx <3