"When does the manifestation arrive?"

Hi, me again!  :-)

I just read this UMM email letter in my Inbox.

So at the risk of exposing my slightly eccentric side... I will share a really cool Evidence Story that will maybe inspire someone!

I've been practicing the UMM program daily, since I purchased it at the end of March.  When I feel stuck and/or have no idea what I want, I commit to "going general" and have this little feeling-visualization where I'm a powerful & free Queen of my Life.  I'm walking down a castle hallway, wearing a beautiful, opulant red robe with the white fur/black spots around the edges, and a tall, equally beautiful and lavish red/gold crown.  So... not long after I started this visualization...

1.  I'm reading a Mickey Mouse book to my grand-nephew.  On the very last page, Mickey is wearing exactly this robe I picture in my head!!

2.  I'm shopping in a cutsy-little-village in Eastern PA, full of Asian/Indian clothing and hippie-attire.  In the middle of an obscure rack, I come across a beautiful, long, velvet red robe with a hood and lace and other lush trim!  I literally gasped when I saw it!!!  (I've NEVER seen anything like it in any store, ever!)

3.  I'm watching a serious TV crime show, and out of nowhere, a guy walks into a room wearing a tall red crown with gold!

SO... I take all of these as "signs" and although most of my intentional manifestations have not yet physically appeared, these are VERY encouraging!  
Plus they are so surprisingly delightful when they suddenly happen!  I make sure that I REALLY savor and appreciate these little scrumptious manifesting moments!



  • Hi Heidi!

    Thank you so much for sharing this with everyone! I don't think it's eccentric at all. In fact, I love your visualization process! 

    And how synchronous it all is. I find things like this happening all of the time and was just talking with a friend about it over the weekend. It makes the process so fun! And appreciating those moments really has the power to amplify what you begin to observe in your experience. :) 

    No doubt you are being given evidence that you are a powerful creator and that you are on the "right" track!

    Thank you again for sharing! I know it will help others.

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