First Worksheet Questions

Hey everyone,

Hope everyone is kicking off Monday with a bang!

Are we supposed to fill in the blanks with exactly what we want? 

or are these supposed to be filled in with our present situation in regards to what we want?
could someone give me an example? say if this was about money what would someone like?

I just feel a bit confused I got the limitation parts that come after this statement right.

Thank you!


  • Hi Akshay,

    Hope your Monday is going great as well!

    The point of the first worksheet is to uncover your limiting beliefs so you can begin to challenge them. If I'm reading your post correctly, it sounds as though you've already discovered that.

    From there, you are gathering evidence that the limiting beliefs are not true to give yourself a new way of viewing the situation. As the worksheet states:

    "Evidence gives your mind a reason to change its beliefs by supporting new
    possibilities. The more evidence you can find that contradicts a limiting
    belief, the more likely it is that your brain will be open to creating new
    beliefs that support your new self-image and Creative Machine."

    Does this answer your question? Let me know!

  • edited June 2021
    Hi Jessica,

    I was stuck on these first four items:
    When it comes to having _________________, 
    When I think of having _______________ in my life, 
    When it comes to having _______________, 
    When it comes to having __________________, 

    So are these all supposed to be all beliefs that limit us? 



  • Hi Akshay,

    Yes. These statements are to assist you in identifying any beliefs you hold that tell you why you think you might not be able to achieve these goals. The rest of the worksheet will assist you in gathering evidence against that illusion. For instance, some responses read as follows:

    When it comes to having money in my life, I believe that it is difficult to come by because I've never created it before. 

    The goal is to become very honest with yourself about the beliefs you hold regarding the thing you are creating. In doing so, you can begin to dismantle those beliefs and change them. You may have beliefs that don't limit you as well, and those are great to identify too so you can begin to build upon them.

    Does this help?

  • Hi Jessica,

    Yes, this was all I needed to know for the first worksheet. I'll get working on it right away.

    Thank you, I really appreciate it!


  • You're most welcome! :)

    Please let me know if I can assist you further!

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