
As I've been "being" the person who has what I want, I came across another question.
In my previous question I asked how to be someone I don't know how to be but I'm getting there.

What came up for me and is my question,
Should I focus on 1 goal at a time or both? Or do I just focus on happiness and they will both come?

(My goals are money to pay of my debt and manifest the romantic relationship with the man if my dreams.)
Thanks again for all the support


  • Hi Nicole,

    You can certainly focus on and have both by envisioning yourself as happy while embodying the 2 goals simultaneously.

    However, each individual is different. Some are able to easily focus on everything at once, while others do better with just one goal at a time. I would suggest trying both to see which "feels" best to you. If you feel too much resistance when you focus on both, choose one to work with for the time being and then come back to the other later.

    I've always found with my own visualization processes that my "End Goal" always has multiple elements to it because it encompasses a total package of happiness. :) 


  • Hello, I would just like to ask if it is ok to focus on two separate manifestations, on two separate occasions. in other words I will have two Big Goals and do two separate processes for each goal. Each goal is totally unrelated.

    Also I find it very difficult to visualise seeing myself, I can visualise seeing everybody else, but not easily see myself.

    Thank you

  • Hi Richard!

    Yes, you can work on 2 goals simultaneously. I would only suggest that if you aren't seeing much progress to scale it back to 1 to prove to yourself that you are making the change. This will reinforce your mind's belief in it's ability to do this. And with that reinforcement, each new goal will become easier and easier. 

    When visualizing, attempt to see through your own eyes, in first person. It sounds as though that is what you are already doing. :) 

  • Hi Jessica

    Yes I am looking at myself as someone who is looking at me, but I find it hard to see myself when doing this, I can't see my face easily. But find it easy to look my own eyes when visualising.

    The two separate goals in my previous message, one was abundance and the other was a health issue. So I think I should focus on the health issue first.

    Happy new year   


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