Installing future memory in the creative machine

Dear Dr Connor
Thank you for your emails which are really inspiring me. Let me ask you this question which is really important for me. I am very serious in my goals and I hope I can achieve them with your help.
What I understand from your email and the Installing future memory in your creative machine video, is that if I learn the timeline and travelling to the future exactly as you explained in that video, I can create any event which I desire in my future. Am I right? If yes, I can considerate it as a big miracle because I can have everything I want in my life so, the only thing I need is the time in which I have to practice.
The other question is, how can I determine I have completely mastered this technique? Is there any sign?
Could you please clarify these for me?
Thank you and regards


  • Hi Mohammadreza!

    Welcome to the forum! I'm happy you are finding the emails helpful. 

    To answer your first question, yes. You are working with your mental timeline. As explained in the video for this, location and time do not exist in this energetic space. What you are doing when you go through this process is creating a representation that your mind can work with. As the title of the video explains, you are installing a "future" memory, but ultimately you are installing a very distinct goal in terms that your subconscious very clearly understands.

    To answer your second question, I encourage you to practice this for a minimum of 30 days, but longer if you feel the desire to do so. (I use this all of the time for many things and you can introduce new things as they come to mind.) You'll most likely find it becoming easier as you repeat the steps. And you will probably begin to see things in your life that indicate to you that a change is happening. As I stated in my email, don't become discouraged if some of the "old stuff" begins to crumble away - that is often part of the process. 

    So, can you have everything you want in life? Absolutely! Remember that the future is actually NOW. 

    Please let me know if I can assist further! :) 


  • Thank you so much  Dr Connor for your explanation. Reading these words from you about one of the miracles of the mind is very inspiring. . 
  • You're most welcome! I'm happy to help. :) 
  • Hi Jessica and YouUniverse Tribe. I'm not sure If I've been doing this right but I feel some sort of struggle with this technique. At the present time I have one main goal  to find a quality, loving, relationship. However while I worked on identifying the qualities of this ideal person I realized that I am going to need some time to spend and enjoy of this relationship. I currently seem to be too busy trying to make a living. so I might also need some sort of financial freedom that would allow me to spend less time working and more time that with that ideal relationship that I want. When I work on this technique, since it deals with a timeline. I'm not sure If I need to place the memory of meeting this ideal person first and then (further ahead in the future)have the financial freedom or doing it in the opposite way, I also feel that if I try to put too many memories in the future I end up predetermining how things will happen and potentially limiting possibilities for these dreams to come true. So I'm thinking these memories of the future need to be very generic as far a places, time of the years and specific individuals, riight? For instance I currently do not have a future memory for when I meet my ideal partner but instead I've been working on other memories of being with this person in places that I have not necessarily been at before or visualizing doing simple daily routines like for instance  having breakfast or going to the grocery store in company on my this ideal companion. Perhaps I need to visualize myself having a steady passive income while I enjoy doing fun activities -which I just realized while I wrote this message I have some negative believes I need to work on in this regard. Any clarifications or suggestions you can provide will be greatly appreciated.
  • Hi Andres,

    It's nice to see you here! 

    You can do both simultaneously. Why not create a future memory that encompasses both financial freedom and the ideal person at the same time? Are you able to envision that possibility? Can you imagine having a steady passive income WHILE having breakfast with this amazing partner?

    Try not to overthink the process. You're installing a goal for your mind to work with. Let that goal be the ultimate, most wonderful experience you can imagine. Most importantly, let the feelings of these things wash over you. The little sensory details are great to incorporate, but you don't have to go into anything that indicates "how" it must happen. Go straight to the end goal. If that end goal puts you in an environment you've never been in before, and you are enjoying the experience of it mentally, that is just your subconscious mind helping you fill in the details. You want to embody the state and allow that to become so wonderful that you can't stop thinking of it, and feeling it. In other words, make it fun!

    Does this help answer your questions? 

  • Yes it does. Thank you very much.
  • You're most welcome! Please let me know if I can assist further. :) 
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