Dear Dr Connor.

Thank you for the email I received from you today. You
gave me some instruction about How to program a new powerful belief in less
than 5 minutes. I performed exactly what you instructed me in that video and
then tried to test myself. Unfortunately, my body didn't show any kind of
response. I repeated the process but the result was the same. I don't know
exactly what the cause of this problem is but, it is a bit difficult for me to believe that my
subconscious mind is capable of moving my body without my knowing and I think
this is the problem. I have the same problem with pendulum dowsing. I purchased
some courses of dowsing with pendulum but, I could not get an answer from my subconscious
mind. I was sure about this because the pendulum showed no movement in response to my question unless I
consciously say yes or no in my mind. I profoundly love the video of programing
a new belief in my mind because limiting beliefs are the core of every financial failure in
our life. Therefore, I seriously ask you to solve this problem and give me any
kind of techniques or other instructions you think is relevant. Thank you very

Kind regards



  • HI Mohammadreza,

    I appreciate your questions. 

    You stated that you find it difficult to believe that your subconscious mind is capable of moving your body without your knowing. But, consider this: The subconscious mind rules your five senses, your involuntary muscles and all of the processes in your body without you having to "think" about those things consciously. You don't tell your body to make your heart beat, or tell your liver to cleanse your body, or tell your nose to smell something and then immediately associate that sensation with the meaning that is most familiar to you. Your subconscious mind does all of this automatically for you. And thank goodness! It would be exhausting to have to "think" of all of those things consciously. 

    Understanding that the subconscious mind regulates the functioning of your body without your conscious awareness offers you some very valid proof that can allow you to begin dismantling the belief that it cannot move your body without you knowing. It regulates your body all day long. 

    Have you tried this process with statements of beliefs that you already hold to be true to get a baseline on how your body responds? Oftentimes this is very subtle. I also encourage you to work with the process just below that: The Increased Learning Technique  You may find this useful while working within this module of the course.

    Only you will be able to solve the riddle of how your body reacts with this particular technique. Sometimes, it just takes a bit of practice. But knowing that your body is perfectly capable of doing MANY things without your consciousness being involved should help you understand that this process is not only possible, but highly likely that you can have it work for you with some dedication. :)

  • Dear Dr Conner
    Thank you so much for your reply. I will try my best to solve my problem as you advised.
    Kind regards
  • You're most welcome. Everything you need is within you! :) 
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