Dear Dr Connor and Madam Shelia
I sent you the following questions on 01.10.21. Could you please answer me?
Thank you and regards
1- When can I decide to leave the first lesson and move to the next one? is there any sign to make sure that the first lesson, for example, has been completely understood and I can move to the next one?
2- Should I concentrate on the affirmation when I am using how to program a new belief technique or any other affirmations? 
Thank you so much and kind regards


  • Hi Mohammadreza,

    This is the first I am seeing of these questions and I am happy to answer them. 

    1. In looking at your progress reports in the course, I can see that you have begun the second portion of the course. These lessons further enforce the first section lessons and you can use them as you feel you are ready to. They will help you understand the material in an even deeper way as emotional intelligence is a great part of rewiring new beliefs into the brain successfully.

    2. Yes, you can use the affirmations given in this video as a baseline. Those specific affirmations are intended to strengthen the self-image and self-worth. If you have other affirmations that you prefer, you can absolutely use those in addition to these, or on their own.

    I am curious as to how Madam Shelia's and my responses to your previous questions have assisted you. Have you implemented any of the information we have provided regarding your prior concerns? If so, how has that worked for you?  I'm eager to hear about it!

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