Happy New Year

Dear All,
I would like to take this occasion to wish you and your loved ones a very Happy New Year.

I have been working with this program for 1 month on daily basis. I must admit it is more challenging than I thought it would be. I am curious to know if anyone has had any progress. 

Best to all,


  • Happy New Year to you as well! 

    When changing your old programs, it does take dedication and consistency. However, it's important to realize that you're working with a mindset that has been developed over the course of the entirety of your life. Depending on the person, it can take 30, 60 and sometimes even 90 days to reach that "Aha!" moment. But when you do, you will have reset your internal programs and there's no turning back! (In the most positive of ways.) :)  

    That said, we have had some serious breakthroughs with this course thus far! I welcome anyone who has emailed me privately about their success to post their replies here (if they feel comfortable enough in doing so). The encouragement is extremely helpful for everyone involved.

  • Thank you for the response Jessica.

    I am working diligently on the program and I will be patient, I am sure it will work eventually but I want to check with you in case I was doing something wrong or something was missing in my practice.

    As I understand, the guided meditation (changing the course of events and Creating a Quantum feedback loop) should be done daily. But what about other exercises/videos? Such as  How to Program A New Powerful Belief in Under 5 Minutes - Video or the The INCREASED Learning Technique Your Brain Love - Video etc? Do I incorporate these into my daily routines? What other exercises/videos do I need to incorporate?

    Also the Bonus Material? When or how do I incorporate the meditations in there with the daily routines?

    The course material is very rich - I would like to get a better handle on how to use them. If anyone has seen results, it would be great if they shared their practice as well.

    Thank you

  • Hi Maya,

    Each person is different and the amount of material they want to incorporate into their daily routine will also differ. My suggestion is to work with one or two of the meditations daily, as well as one or two of the exercises given in the videos daily until you feel a shift from the techniques. You may then choose to add more exercises or start something new. (They all reinforce each other.)

    You can also read through the bonus material each day and use one or two of the exercises given there to reinforce the course the material. 

    The rule of thumb would be to do what feels "right" to you each day. If it begins to feel like a "chore," simply pull back a bit and focus on the things that are working for you as a means of staying on track.

    I hope this helps! :) 

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