Which audio should i use best for reprogramming my mind while i sleep ? 90 DAY CHALLENGE

edited November 2021 in Higher Consciousness
Heey Jessica and Shelia.

I am goin to commit myself to sleep with earphones for the next 90 days while listening to one of your audios to reprogram a part of my mind.
I was thinking about purchising the i am a powerfull creator one. But ''Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind While You Sleep (8 Hour Theta Track)  '' looks better maybe.
Is there any recommendation from your side?

Also i want to stick to 1 meditation each morning for the same 90 days. Was thinking about the dna activation one from the course. Is that really one of your best / favourite meditations @Jessica?
Als @ Shelia which is your favourite one?

Im really looking forward to this 90 day challenge of me. I will end each day with the change the course of events meditation from the first part of the course.

Since i still didnt stay consisten with all this stuff i am typing it here so i can get hold accountable. after 90 days i will tell my results of this challenge. 
It would be  awesome if some one reading this will be with me or even more people. lets do this together!!!

Also any more tips on a good 90 day challenge is welcome to!


  • I think that's a fantastic plan Iwan. I like listening to the same mediations for a long period of time. I feel ready to move on when I automatically hear Jessica's voice and message in my head. I am particularly fond of "I am a Powerful Creator" mediation. I don't sleep with head phones on. That would not feel good to me. I like to feel good and have fun. I am convinced that that is the ultimate goal. I say to myself a lot, "Play, relax, have fun. Nothing serious going on here Shelia."

    Keep us posted. I admire your commitment and support you fully.
  • Hi Iwan,

    I love that you're doing this challenge! Regular meditation is one of the quickest ways to change your life in radically positive ways.

    I personally use both of the first two tracks you mentioned and find myself listening to the Powerful Creator track during the day and the other one at night because it is a theta wave track. The DNA meditation is a great way to start your day and I think it would work wonderfully for you. It really boils down to personal preference and what feels "right" to you. 

    I also love that you're asking for an accountability partner! I'm waiting to see which of our members will take this challenge with you! Who's ready to jump in this with Iwan?

    It's completely life-changing when you dedicate yourself to the processes. I'm really looking forward to reading about your results! :) 

    Shelia, "play, relax, have fun" is a wonderful motto!

  • Thank you both for your reply Jessica and Shelia!

    I bought the audio and its so amazing Jessica!! im so fascinated about how you make such a good audio's its insane!
    Its really on my manifesting list and goal to one day make such a good audios myself in my own language.  I really want to learn that so bad! ive sended you an email with a question about this topic, did you receive that ?

    As you say Shelia, i really need to get used to the headphones to haha it feels somewhat annoying but its very doable.
    Im wondering if i can create the same effect by just putting the audios on in the background of my sleeping room ?
    Also my wife her english is okay, not to good not to bad, im wondering if the answer on my previous question is yes. Will she be able to benefit from the reprogramming to if i stay consistent with it?

    Thank you both so much again and i am really excited !
  • Thank you, Iwan. I appreciate your kind words!

    I apologize, but I do not see the email you are referring to. Can you please send it again?

    And yes, you can run the audio in the background while you sleep. If your wife understands English, her mind will understand the affirmations as well. :) 
  • Thank you Jessica!!

    Ive just resended an e-mail :D
  • Iwan i think i was guided to see this post today and will step up to your 90 day challenge 

    Listening to the same meditation in the morning and one at night sounds like it will bring some powerful change into my life 

    thank you for sharing your post and best of luck !  
  • It is wonderful to see the ways in which we co-create with one another for the purpose of consciously manifesting. I celebrate you!
  • edited November 2021
    hehe ye we go for it @shelia!  

    @Ronaldo insane man! good to have you with me! makes me more excited! What are the main goals you are aiming for ?

  • Wonderful, Ronaldo! I'm so happy you have decided to join in this!

    And wonderful to you too, Iwan! You are creating amazing things and helping others along the way! 

    I think your idea is great. I know that having a personal mentor will add a tremendous amount of value to these gentlemen.

    And in the meantime, while you are building your business model, I have an affiliate program with the course where I offer a 20% commission for referral sales. I will email you the information for how it works and turn on your affiliate dashboard. Let me know if you have any questions about the affiliate program!

  • Hi thank you for the positive vibes, everyone, 

    My goal was to trying to heighten my decision-making skills, and be one with my intuition, but i have gained something more valuable than decision making and that is stillness. 

    recently i was blessed with rediscovering my inner peace and present moment awareness, and have concluded that my highest decisions are already manifested in the present moment. 

    so, to continue the 90-day challenge I listen to what mediation feels right on that day, and the best one's are the ones where i visualize my future as there is no better feeling then coming out the 

    meditation with a glimpse of your created future reality. 

     @Iwan i would like to know how is your 90-day challenge going for you? 

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