Goal setting Meditations

Hi Jessica,
When setting goals and doing the meditation for this. Is it best to list your goals out and focus on one at a time , or have a visual where you can see all these goals at once in the meditations?
Also, in order to create a strong visual in my mind is it best to script this out and do the meditation?
I have listened to the mediation and although I have an picture in my mind, I haven't honed in on all the details as mentioned in the mediation .



  • Hi Sonya,

    I would say the main goal is to allow the process to be fun. If it feels like too much "work," that could offer resistance to the process. When we visualize what we desire, in our daydream states, we get lost in the feeling of how wonderful those desires are. That would be the main goal. 

    That said, if you find writing these things down makes the process fun for you and brings up those wonderful feelings, then most certainly incorporate that into the process. 

    The picture in your mind will begin to form with more clarity as you practice. As I said in a previous post, your subconscious mind will start to fill in all of the little details for you as you begin to hand over the visualizations to it. :) 

  • Thanks Jessica, I will do this.
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