Season Greetings from Texas

Dearest Tribe,

My name is Artemis D'Vine and I am grateful/blessed to have found Your Youinverse a little over a year ago. After listening to Jessica and her son's YouTubes while walking during the early morning hours the past year, I contemplated joining the Ultimate Manifestation Mastery Course. Jessica's voice was mesmerizing and helped me to fine tune and understand many experiences I have had over the years. As life has become increasingly challenging (a modern day Job) I haven't known what to do or where to turn. All I had left was to meditate, go inside, and listen to the little voice. It said to check out the course again, but this time, instead of overthinking the decision to join (the classic ADHD brain) I gave myself a self-care Christmas present. The UMMC is a bit overwhelming (ok, I freaked out at first) so thank you for having these discussion forums. They have helped me to calm down and realize that everyone's journey and path is a bit different, but we are moving on the same path with similar concerns. Thank you again for being here and I look forward to walking this journey with you all.


  • Welcome Artemis! It is wonderful to have you amongst us. Congratulations on deciding to practice self care. We can only care, or love, others to the extent we love ourselves. I look forward to seeing your progress in this coming year!

    Shelia ❤️
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