Hello Folks,
Just thought I would share a very recent experience:
A few days ago I decided to review the original course material, got through the video, "Consciously Changing the Course of Events, video 1, the teaser at the end sounded good so I moved right alone to, "Consciously Changing the Course of Events, video 2. And, right at the beginning Dr. Connor said, "If you haven't asked yourself the question, " Who or what would I have to ""BE"" in order to create what I want to "have" and "do"? Well I thought to myself, "Yeah, I thought about it," huh she said that yesterday huh, so I decided to give the question more consideration, I'll come back tomorrow. (today is tomorrow) I try not to check email before I have my morning chores done, today I decided to look, HUUM
Right there at the top of the list of new emails was one with a subject line that stopped me cold, "Who will you be in 2022? WHAT! " Who ARE YOU < < < are you KIDDING ME - have you been talking to Connor? No, I think not, I believe this is an example of how the universe speaks to us -
be fore-warned folks , if you do this stuff , it works