New powerful belief in under 5 minutes

A couple of questions on this please....

1.  I saw you say in another post that the 'strong' position of which way the arms and legs should be crossed can change.  Does this mean that before you program in a new belief you should check or just if you are doing it on a different day?  For example, if I checked this morning and I know the position I should cross my legs/arms and I'm going to add a new belief at intervals throughout the day would I need to re-test the crossing position throughout the day.  Or if I was going to program 10 new beliefs in a row would I need to check between each one?
2.  Can you program in as many beliefs as you like one after another or is there a recommended limit i.e. do one or two max per day?  If that's the case how long should you leave it between adding in more beliefs?
3.  When repeating the affirmation to program in what if you don't really get any resistance and/or you don't feel the shift  - so you start to wonder if you have to keep going because you're not sure you felt anything which indicates a shift?  Should you just stop after 2-3 minutes and check if it's been accepted, or keep going?
4.  Once we have programmed the subconscious with the new belief should we keep repeating the affirmation still?  I use affirmations a lot day to day so is it ok to repeat the ones that have been programmed in?
5.  This might be an odd question but once we have programmed a new belief and tested that it has been accepted should we notice anything within ourselves - is it an instant "yeah, I am 'x'" or more subtle over time that you don't really notice a difference?

Finally, one of the things I have realised in my discovery is that fear of judgement has stopped me doing things I've wanted to do or experience in the past i.e. dance or sing in front of others, not take courses in case I fail, talking myself out of applying for a job, even not playing computer games!!.....and so on - I realised I've never let anyone see the true me because I've held myself back and kept myself 'safe' only now I realise that wasn't the safety/security I wanted or needed.  Would you recommend programming affirmations around confidence, being true to myself, success?  I was thinking about the root of all of these scenarios and maybe "not good enough or not worthy" are behind it - so would you recommend just programming in the root of being good enough or all of the affirmations specifically - good enough, worthy, secure, chosen, etc?  I intend this make sense enough for you to answer.



  • Hi Lorraine,

    I'll answer these individually as you have placed them.

    1. I generally check this once per day. It's often the same, but yes, it can change. I relate this to parallel reality theory. I am someone new when I wake up each day and tell myself that often. :)
    2. When trying this process, ask yourself if you believe that you can program in as many beliefs in a day as you want to. If the answer is no, start small and work your way up. When your belief has been successfully installed, move onto others.
    3. Don't overanalyze this. If you don't get any resistance, start affirming that your new belief is installed. If you start to wonder (allow your negative chatter to take over), tell it to stop. You are the creator and can create what you desire.
    4. You can absolutely continue to affirm this, but don't make it a 'chore.' I affirm my identity and beliefs daily of who I am and what I am being, especially if something creeps up in my outer reflection that tries to indicate differently. I override it in that moment. I would just encourage you to keep it as natural as possible. 
    5. This depends on the person. I have many clients who instantly feel this "Yes! That's it!" type of moment. Others begin to gradually feel it and build upon it. If you are of the latter, continue building it as naturally as possible as stated in the previous answer. 

    In response to your last comment, most all creation is stopped because of fear of failure or fear of criticism (not feeling 'good enough'). Everything you want is on the other side of risk and change. But, not everyone is willing to move out of their safety zone to get it. And even if they are, there are still things they are generally working on getting out of their safety zone to get. (Me included.) This is a growth and evolutionary process. When you tackle one thing, you move onto another. We stretch our boundaries, get good at new things and then begin stretching some more. Affirmations of self-confidence, self-worth and being 'good enough' are highly recommended for this. (There are "You are so worthy" affirmations is your Reinvent Yourself Program just for this.) You might also choose to add affirmations such as these:

    I am getting really good at stretching my boundaries
    I am willing to take risks
    I am accepting change in my life and viewing it in a more positive way
    I am willing to move out of my comfort zone and do so more and more each day
    I am realizing that when I move out of my comfort zone, I get to experience new things

    In this way, you are training yourself to get comfortable with discomfort. That was an excellent question, by the way. I know many people will be able to relate and benefit from it! :) 

  • Thank you so much for your response.  This is really helpful and I will certainly add the affirmations around accepting change and getting out of my comfort zone, etc.  

    No doubt I will be back as I progress further through the course. 

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