Notice what's going on around me

In Jessica's last message, she explains that if we do what it takes to set up our manifestation,
things will start to happen in our lives. Things that we don't notice easily if we don't reach out.
Maybe even things that would happen to our loved ones but not exactly to us.

As I was reading her message, I realized that I have two or three people signing up for my
AWEBER list every week, whereas up until now I have barely had one a month. They haven't
bought anything from me yet, but maybe it's a sign that something is happening.

I am doing everything I can to see my manifestation happen and I do it every day, but sometimes
I have doubts that things will eventually change drastically, but I prefer to keep working on myself and believing.



  • Beautiful Ingrid. Simply put, as our beliefs change, the things around us change. I enjoy your progress notes! Keep them coming so we can all celebrate together! ♥️
  • That's so awesome, Ingrid! Take those signs and build upon them to strengthen your belief that YOU are the creator of your experience. 

    As I said in one of my most recent posts here, you can find many things throughout your day to positively associate with you manifestation coming into form. And the more you do that, the more you begin to 'see' it take shape. 

    Congratulations on your most recent evidence! :)

  • Thank you both for your encouragement.
    That's what I love about your classes Jessica is that I never felt alone.
  • edited January 2022
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