Memory of the future

I don't know if I'm going crazy, but more and more lately I've had flashes in my head of the life
I would dream of having. For example, I'm watching a movie that reminds me of something I would
like to have in my life and without being able to control it  I see myself in a scene in my head that I would like to experience.
I have the impression that this scene is so true that I sometimes don't know if I lived it or not.
But deep down, I know I didn't experience it ! I hope I'm not starting to lose my mind!
What I wish is that these memories of the future that I see are a good sign!



  • Hi Ingrid,

    You are not going crazy. :) 

    This generally happens when you've trained your mind to take the cue to think in ways that align with your goals and look for more things that align with that.

    Aren't future memories fun?!?


  • I love when that happens. To me it means, IT'S ON THE WAY!" Enjoy the feeling as often and as long as is possible. ❤️
  • Thank you for your answer which gives me a lot of hope.
    It's true that memory of the future is quite fun, but a bit surprising at first.
     I've been reading my affirmations at least twice a day for
    several months now, I have been doing my 4 or 5 meditations a day and
    I've been doing a lot of the awesome exercises you suggest.
    So, yes, I hope things will finally start moving for me.
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