Past Life

hi - just a bit confused on manifesting in this lifetime, as a reader to me someone did something in my past life to prevent it happening in this lifetime. I don't belive that can have that much effect as were all in this lifetime now - and we can heal the past and create a new reality? :(((( i have never recevied that in a reading before so I don't know if this person is making things up


  • Hi Koly,

    That sounds like a limiting belief to me. 

    The questions to you are this: 

    Do you choose to believe what someone else (outside conditions) tells you to believe? 

    Or, do you choose to believe something different that aligns with your goals?

    It all starts with that decision. Once you've made the decision, you can begin molding your thoughts around that decision, move your physical body in alignment with those thoughts (inspired action) and keep faith that the more you do this, the more you will begin to see a reality that matches what you believe. We do this process all day, every day. So, why not do it intentionally?

    I personally would not allow another to predict my destiny. I often listen to others speaking and think to myself: "That's interesting, but it's not a part of my reality." 

    Know that you are powerful enough to do the same; you are so powerful that you can choose what you want to experience and create it!


  • omg thank you so much Jessica!!!!! xx 
  • You're most welcome!  Remember: You can let your reality train you, or you can train your reality. :) 
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