Tests from the Universe

Hi Jessica and Team,

I am in MMS and Reinvent yourself programs and I just wanted to ask a question and get your thoughts on tests from the Universe.

Do you believe we get tests from the Universe before our manifestation will appear? Reason I ask is that I am working towards being an NLP coach and I was doing well initially in business last year but now I seem to be going backwards in certain areas. 

I spoke to a friend who said that they didn't believe in tests and they said everything was just our subconscious. They said that the Universe is never testing us, just responding to us and that it is just us against ourselves basically.

I then came across a huge page on Instagram with a lot of followers talking about being tested constantly by the Universe. 

As an expert in LOA and spirituality, what are your thoughts please? I am still following MMS and working through it and re-watching a lot of videos but couldn't see any mention of it on there at all.

With gratitude,



  • Hi Kate,

    Thank you for your question!

    I agree with your friend that our outer experiences are a direct reflection of our inner state. That said, sometimes we are testing ourselves to see if we are ready to move into a new phase and/or experiences in our lives. My personal belief is also that the soul is evolving during this process.

    Think of it like this:

    Your manifestation is already available. It's possibly (and probably) right in front of you. But if there were a brick wall between you and it, you wouldn't be able to see it, even though it is right there. That is what our perception does for us. It either keeps us from seeing what we want due to our established belief systems, or it opens us up to those things because we've changed our beliefs about them.

    My question to you would be this: Do you believe you are being tested? If so, you will go through more of that "test." A more advantageous belief might be one that disregards any testing and just allows the manifestation to come through. Core beliefs such as, "I can have what I want with ease" or, "Everything is always working out for me" or, "I always allow good things into my life, every moment of every day" would be the goal in this case. 

    I think it's wonderful that you are working towards being an NLP coach! What an exciting adventure you have before you!

    Hope this helps! :) 

  • Thank you so much Jessica! This is what I wanted to hear and I love how you have put that question to me.

    I am definitely changing my belief system about manifestation and seeing it as easy for me and always working out for me.

    I absolutely love your work and teachings.

    I am a huge fan and you are my role model for being a coach.

    Thank you for your service to us all.

    With gratitude,

  • Thank you so much for your kind words, Kate!

    Yes, it is true: Manifesting is easy and it is ALWAYS working out for you! :)

    I'm looking forward to hearing about all of your success!

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