Hi Jessica and Team,
I am in MMS and Reinvent yourself programs and I just wanted to ask a question and get your thoughts on tests from the Universe.
Do you believe we get tests from the Universe before our manifestation will appear? Reason I ask is that I am working towards being an NLP coach and I was doing well initially in business last year but now I seem to be going backwards in certain areas.
I spoke to a friend who said that they didn't believe in tests and they said everything was just our subconscious. They said that the Universe is never testing us, just responding to us and that it is just us against ourselves basically.
I then came across a huge page on Instagram with a lot of followers talking about being tested constantly by the Universe.
As an expert in LOA and spirituality, what are your thoughts please? I am still following MMS and working through it and re-watching a lot of videos but couldn't see any mention of it on there at all.
With gratitude,