Help Me Define/Redefine “Letting Go”

Hello Dr. Jessica! It's another question :)

Ok, so I need some perspective on the idea of “letting go” and what that actually entails. Please help me to define or redefine its process in terms of ideas and actions that are aligned with the UMM course. 

My source of consternation, I have to admit, comes from the fact that I am so dashed sick of hearing a chorus of online “experts” flippantly talk about the process of letting go as if it were some simple mechanical process, a priori of the deep emotional attachments we have to our desires. Having said that, I am so happy to have found Dr. Jessica and her program and I am confident I will finally be able to wrap my head around this as I think I “understand” what it means, yet my gut always signals me what I am hearing is incorrect. (Perhaps I need to stop seeking these sources out lol). 

When something means a lot to me, my goals for example, I strive with the utmost energy and focus I can muster to make them happen, that’s how I’m wired. Point of fact, taking the UMM course has made me even more focused to believe that I can achieve all that is possible in my life, it’s like an exponential power has been added to my mind. That is hugely exciting to me! It makes me even more driven, to be honest, seeing life as wide open. 

So, to take a common theme, having a crush on someone or knowing you want to be with a specific person, “experts” often tout this idea of “letting go” of them lest you irrevocably push them away. That is, don’t think about them, go about your life and your business, blah, blah, blah; however, if you are in love with someone that is the hardest thing to do! The same is true for money or anything we desire or want to create.

I have tried to corral my thoughts into believing what I am thinking they are thinking. So, if I am worried about our relationship, so will they. On the other hand, if I keep thinking that we are so meant to be, so will they and hopefully that will transmute itself into something awesome, or at least awesome opportunities. Not sure if that’s a good train of thought or not. Dr. Jessica gave me cool phrases that I have been using as well, such as “I choose to,” and “I am excited to” which are super duper!

As a student of manifestation and this course, I am seeking clarification on this issue of “letting go,” how it relates to the UMM course and any advice for someone with an immense magnitude of love energy and boundless excitement for the possibilities of life!!! 


Ps. As I was writing the last part of this I was thinking maybe one of the factors in this is my over-excitement for my dreams as I really do believe things will manifest! I have a high functioning ability to abstract and when I impress the idea that something is in the now, I really do look for it. I feel like a pro athlete who just needs to be trained up on his technique by the best coaches in the game!  


  • Hi Franklin,

    Thank you for your question! I don't believe I've created a video about this for my channel, but I definitely have a 'take' on it. 

    From my perspective, this is all about the energy you bring to a specific subject (as you've mentioned). Like yourself, I hold a tremendous amount of excitement for things that, well, excite me! I would refer to that as a 'good' type of energy to bring to a particular subject. Excitement is a driving force. It is energy in positive motion towards the manifestation of a specific outcome. That said, if we are approaching a particular subject with a level of frustration, we don't bring our best selves to the circumstances surrounding that subject. And people, pets, and all that is pick up on that. We all read energy by gauging how things feel to us. Think of how you feel when someone is angry, or when someone is trying too hard to be the center of attention. The energy is quite a put-off. And then think of how you feel when someone shows you affection, or when another person praises something you've done. That type of energy is inviting. 

    I like to think of it like this: I imagine that there is a balloon of energy for each subject in my life. I like to fill my balloons with positive energy. But when there is an interaction that occurs relating to any subject, I know I'm sharing that balloon of energy with another. (Stay with me here; I have a point.) So, there must be a balance. We each need equal parts of energy in that balloon to keep things harmonious. I can keep as much excitement as I want in my personal balloon of energy regarding that subject, but when I'm sharing that balloon due to an interaction with another, I pull back a bit so they have room to put their energy there as well. So, I want to meet the other person on their level of enthusiasm and then allow that to grow, or diminish, as the interactions continue. Better said, my over-excitement about something might be off putting to another. I've learned to give space when needed for the sake of balance.

    This also works with inanimate items. For things like money or career, we can certainly hold excitement in our personal space. But we must allow the energy of that money or career to have space to bring it's energy as well. And I think this is where the "letting go" part of the equation comes in. It's the balance of the energy. But I believe it is more of an allowance, or an invitation, if you will, for this 'thing' to mesh with your energy.  I even like to imagine myself extending an invitation to the things I'm manifesting in my life and then seeing that person or thing accepting that invitation with vigor. That is what I would call "letting go." It changes the energetic equation quite a bit by sending the mind into, "Oh, this IS exciting! I'm excited; they're excited; everyone is happy here!" This replaces strain and effort with relief and security. 

    Once you have the belief in place, and the exciting emotion to go with it, you only need to keep the faith through persistence that it WILL happen. When getting to this space, it's as though it has ALREADY happened. And that's when everything becomes magical.

    I do understand what you are saying about keeping the thoughts in mind that correspond to what another person may want. From a 'Oneness' perspective (all being connected energetically), and from personal experience, this does ring true. It is the essence of what Neville Goddard taught and I have seen it become manifest in my own life and the lives of others. I believe where people have difficulty with this is in the 'trying too hard' of keeping all of their thoughts in line with this. That type of energy brings resistance to the table and can become quite exhausting.

    However, over-excitement can be a wonderful thing! And really believing in your manifestations is amazingly powerful! The last part of that equation is to remain persistent, allowing no one or nothing to deter you!

    I hope this offered you some clarity, and not more confusion! I'm open to answering any questions you may have regarding what I've written here. :) 


  • Hi, allow me a few days to mull over your comments before posting a reply :) There's plenty to think about!

    Cheers, Franklin
  • Thank you so much for wrapping this idea up so neatly for me! You really have galvanized my thinking on this in that I feel I can now move forward and understand my energy relationship with others in a much more focused way. 

    And yes, pets do feel our emotional states and also channel quantum energy! Haha I have so many stories of when I was thinking about my crush and some time later my dog (a golden retriever) gets up and wiggles about needing to go out out of the blue (he’s normally on a schedule). Then who do I see, as if by intention, my crush! I thank him each time it happens and consider him a part of my manifesting journey. 

    I really do love the balloon metaphor, actually! After a few days cogitating and noticing the effects of my thoughts I feel so much more at ease thinking about my goals. And yes, I also believe it is more of an “allowance” or an “invitation” as you put it! That makes so much more sense to me as it carries motion toward the actor and not away as the term “letting go” semantically implies. It also implies a disconnect which is counter to the oneness concept. The term “letting go” is rubbish and I’m letting it go haha.

    Thank you so much, I now invite my goals in and have created space for them in my “balloon” to contribute energy. I also think of when Neville Goddard always said not to condition things. Thank you also for the encouraging words!!!

    All the best, cheers. What a journey this is!

  • Ah, the doggy! He knows! :) What amazing guides and companions they are. 

    And I love that you're letting go of letting go, haha. I might do a video about this subject based on our interaction. I believe that term gets a bit watered down and overused and can become confusing for some. Thank you for providing me with some inspiration that may assist others. 

    You are most welcome! Please let me know if I can help further. :)

  • Ha how cool would that be? I would be honored to know that I helped with your inspiration which in turn will definitely be a benefit for others! I'm no expert but I believe the term has become some trendy SEO marketing hook that folks have capitalized on without truly understanding its meaning, which is where you come in as an actual expert.

    Thanks again, cheers!
  • Aww, thanks! I only know what I know through intent study and trial-and-error. We all have the ability to be experts at creating life intentionally. 

    I've already started a folder entitled: "Let Go of Letting Go" for the video. :)
  • Edit: I might have said: I only know what I know through intent study, Divine Guidance and trial-and-error. That sounds more accurate. :) 
  • Yes, I love the Diving Guidance part! It is so true how our impulses and gut feelings come into play which I believe is the Universe, God, Holy Spirit, 'quantum energy' which Einstein referred to as "spooky action at a distance" when referring to Niels Bohr's idea of quantum entanglement, etc, etc, :)

    Ha! I cannot wait to see how the new video comes out, I'm excited
  • Hey, I just saw the new video you made and wow it is fantastic!!! I didn't expect to have my post being read verbatim haha but it was a cascading rush of joy if I'm honest, it made me feel like my progress actually means something and that I am actually a part of a larger systemic process. 

    Also, seeing your response in real time made the video very potent in terms of showcasing your ability as an instructor and leader with respect to your ability to connect to students in an engaging and meaningful way. I actually loved hearing the balloon metaphor being read aloud along with the "keeping the faith" bit towards the end, very impactful! 

    Brava!!! Well done!!! 
  • Thank you, Franklin! I always appreciate how thoughtful your posts are. And truly, all of the credit for that video goes to you for inspiring such a wonderful discussion!

    Your progress DOES mean something! When any one person grows or 'wins', everyone else gets to benefit as well. We are all in this together! :) 

    I'm happy you enjoyed the video. Thank you for allowing me to use your wonderful contribution to assist others! 
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