Hi Jessica,
I am seeing progress in my life overall, I feeling more calm, peaceful and less stressed, I seem to care less and I can disconnect easily from the dramas and traumas in the world ( a good thing). I have completed the part 2 of the course and felt compelled to go back and redo part 1 in more details and it's digging up some heavy stuff from my early childhood, physical, mental and emotional abuses also old relationship. I am look for some appropriate affirmations to completely dissolve all these trapped emotions. I have been working with one affirmation and it appears to be making some progress. ( I choose to release the pains from the past) not sure if it's specific enough. I would really appreciate any ideas to clean my traumatic past, along with any suggestion with stock trading winning attitude. LOL. $$$$$.
Thank you as always
Keep up the Outstanding work.
I appreciate you.
In Love and Light