Affirmations to clear past emotional pain and trauma.

Hi Jessica,

     I am seeing progress in my life overall, I feeling more calm, peaceful and less stressed, I seem to care less and I can disconnect easily from the dramas and traumas in the world ( a good thing).  I have completed the part 2 of the course and felt compelled to go back and redo part 1 in more details and it's digging up some heavy stuff from my early childhood, physical, mental and emotional abuses also old relationship. I am look for some appropriate affirmations to completely dissolve all these trapped emotions.  I have been working with one affirmation and it appears to be making some progress. ( I choose to release the pains from the past) not sure if it's specific enough. I would really appreciate any ideas to clean my traumatic past, along with any suggestion with stock trading winning attitude. LOL. $$$$$.

Thank you as always

Keep up the Outstanding work.

I appreciate you.

In Love and Light



  • Hi Les,

    I am acknowledging your request. I have several appointments today and will get back to you with some affirmations this afternoon, or by tomorrow. I want to give your post the attention it deserves without rushing through an answer. Thank you for your kind words and patience!

  • edited August 2022
    Hi again!

    I'm so happy you are feeling more peace and calm in your life! 

    Sometimes when we do this "work," we discover that we move through the process of eliminating old, stale things from the past. Those things may have once been a part of you, but you don't have to continue to let them linger. I like the affirmation you are working's wonderful! Below, I will give you a few to add to that for reinforcement. 

    I now lovingly release any pain I have picked up along the way on my path.
    I am grateful to have learned what I prefer to experience through the process of my life. 
    I am now letting go of all things that no longer serve me. 
    I am welcoming all positive experiences into my life.
    I am moving beyond the old version of me and stepping into the version I prefer.
    I have the power within me to let go of anything I no longer choose to experience.
    I accept that others have been a part of my learning experience and I am grateful for the knowledge they have given me.
    I am embracing the feeling of freedom that is beginning to take hold of me.
    With each exhale of my body, I relax and let go.
    I honor the path that others are on.
    I now let go of anything from the past that has caused me disappointment.
    Now is the most important moment there ever will be and I embrace it fully. 
    I am freeing myself from anything that once held me back (I am free from the past and embrace the present moment).

    And here is a little pep talk for your stock trading winning attitude that you can read every day :) :

    I am fully immersing myself with a stock trading winning attitude. I feel it wash over me as I read these words. It penetrates every cell, tissue and organ of my body, and it lights me up with enthusiasm. This winning attitude determines my success. I am a winner and worthy of all of the abundance that is now flowing into my life. This abundance is in my mind and that makes it real. Any and every thing that was ever created began in the mind and this is how I know that MY THOUGHT IS THE THING, making it ALREADY mine. I am destined for this fate and I allow it into my life. I have complete faith that what I seek is already a part of me. I now fully open myself to the wonderous ways this will present itself to me and I look forward to feeling more feelings regarding how fun and freeing that is!  

    Love and light to you as well, Les! Let me know how these work out for you. 


  • edited August 2022
    You got this Leslie! Sending you successful thoughts! 


  • WOW, Thank you Jessica,  this is sooooo amazing, I love it.  I really appreciate the thougfullnes and effort you put into your response. It shows your selfless dedication to your Tribe. thank you so much. I will keep you posted as I make progress, taking it to another level. haha.!!! 

    As always keep up the amazing work!. 

    Appreciate you. 

    In Love and Light

  • You are so very welcome, Les! And I appreciate your kind words!

    I also love that Franklin is cheering you on here. I believe the 2 of you are on very similar trajectories, albeit for different reasons. Still, the "Creator" in both of you is on fire right now...I can feel it! :) The two of you might have much to talk about. 

  • Thank you Jessica, and thank you Franklin --- I wish you Success beyond belief -  my brother.!!!
  • Thank you Leslie, your words and wishes mean a lot! 

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