I Think I Had An Argument With My Subconscious

Several nights ago (Aug 08) as I was sleeping I vividly remember something incredible, which I’m chalking up as a success. The odd part about this is that I never remember anything while sleeping or dreaming, it’s very rare, so I believe a huge shift in my consciousness just occurred. 

So, the night before I fell asleep dreaming of one of my goals from my Big Goal worksheet in a state of happiness and bliss when sometime in the night I remember dreaming from the end state of how I intend life to be, when all of a sudden my dreams shifted to very negative imagery, as if everything was going horribly wrong! All of the positive possibilities morphed into all of the negative possibilities and I remember feeling helpless. This is where the incredible part comes in!

Knowing that my Creative Machine works for me and that I have successfully re-programmed it, I literally told my subconscious while sleeping:  “No! that’s not how it is going to go! You work for me, I don’t work for you, you create what I tell you to!”  

And in a flash, all returned to my positive end state and my wish fulfilled while still asleep. For some reason, I woke up retaining that memory and the EMOTION of what transpired. I have literally been in awe since Monday. I chalk this success up to the techniques I learned in this course and wanted to share this experience. 



  • Eureka! 

    This is the result of the conscious and intentional information you have been feeding yourself since starting the program. Because you did this while dreaming, I know that it was actually your subconscious mind, telling your subconscious mind, that a change is to take place. AND, it took the cue and chose the new path. THAT is quite a shift!

    It sounds like you have created a massive, positive change here. Congratulations, Franklin! 

    Thank you so much for sharing  this so others can see the power they hold within them to do the same!

  • Thank you! I feel blessed and humbled and, truth be told, very excited!!! 

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