Conscious Awareness and "Beingness"

Hi there Jessica! 

So I have actually completed all of the material in the UMM course which I began on 07/15/22 and it's been an amazing experience so far! Even then, I still go back and review sections relevant to how I feel my progress is going from time to time  - for example, 2 weeks ago I felt that my emotional intelligence was not in alignment with my goals and I did a few exercises to clear those away! That was awesome.

Looking back I noticed that I have been having trouble staying in the “now” and sustaining that state consistently throughout the day and over time. I think I’ve been having performance anxiety! This is a bit odd as this has never happened to me before! For example, when I got into the Linguistics graduate program I was a bit intimidated so I restyled myself as a “linguist” and became one of the program’s star students; or when I got offered to run a federal grant I imaged myself as an “executive” and did some amazing things there (not bragging, just citing examples).

Right now I can’t seem to muster that same moxy I’ve had in the past with my new goals. In the intro video it says that “your end result must be conceived of as something you’ve already achieved” “as if” and your CM will work to prove that to you. In a subsequent lesson it says that “you embody the ‘beingness’ of the person who has your goals so that the CM knows how to adjust its course.” 

The act of conscious awareness and “beingness” seems to be an integral component to the success of the process of this course and I am wondering if you can offer any advice, perspective, actions to help me carry my  new goals and SI throughout the day and make it a more permanent and effortless part of my outlook?

Cheers, Franklin


  • Hi Franklin,

    This is a great question!

    Yes, you are correct.  "Beingness" is an integral component to the success of the program. I will provide some examples that may help. These examples are given as a means to enhance and solidify some of the information we've already discussed pertaining to the energetic component of manifesting. And they do require getting into your imagination, your "CM," to do this "work." Here goes....

    Lets' start with the example of, say, a person you are romantically interested in. Or, better yet, let's start with a person that you may have known to be romantically interested in you. Let's say that you are flattered by the way this person (who has a crush on you) acts when you are around them. Maybe that person is a little shy when near you and you feel some endearing feelings towards them because of this. If this were to be the case, how would you feel inside about YOU during these interactions? You'd probably feel very confident in front of them. You wouldn't worry too much about what they think of you and that would offer some form of relaxation in the interaction. You'd most likely be calm, cool and collected while the other person may feel a bit nervous on the inside. So, there is an energetic exchange going on there. That exchange may somewhat feel like one person has the "upper hand," while the other is at a bit of a disadvantage. 

    But, the work is all on the inside and this other person could reverse this if they wanted to. For instance, if that other person began to see you as someone they weren't quite sure they were interested in anymore, their feelings (and energy) would change. They might still really like you, but realize that you aren't the only person available, that there are many, many options, that you're a cool guy and all that, but maybe exploring other avenues isn't that bad of an idea until/unless you expressed some interest back. If that happened, you'd easily be able to see and feel this in your interactions. The energy would have changed. It doesn't mean the other person wouldn't be super happy if you expressed interest, it just means they've pulled their energy back a bit for their own happiness and that they're willing to "let it go" a bit for the time being. 

    All that to say this: If I were the person who felt a bit shy and unsure around someone I had a crush on (and we've all felt this way), and I were using this program to achieve the outcome I desire, I would go into my imagination and visualize the roles being reversed. And I'd know that the more I did this, the more I'm changing my "beingness" into the type of person who is confident with this outcome, because in my mind, the other person is actually after me. This changes how I feel on the inside; it changes my behavior; it changes the interaction; it changes the outcome. Once successful with this impression, I'm no longer unsure or nervous because the outcome is already achieved, again, in my mind. And that translates into my energy. 

    Think about how people are told to imagine the audience naked when speaking in front of crowd. What does this do? It gives them an energetic "upper hand." It takes the intimidation factor away. When you find a way to take the pressure off of yourself, you change everything about the way it unfolds. And if you're honest with yourself, you can find the imagined scenarios where you are adding that pressure to yourself and reverse them (over and over again, until they stick.)

    This is just one example. It could work with asking your boss for a raise (many people find this quite intimidating because they feel their boss is superior to them), buying a house that seems out of reach, winning a prize, going on a dream vacation, etc. My personal opinion from doing this "work" for a while now is that nothing is out of reach unless we tell ourselves it is. And we can use our imaginations to get into that worthy and deserving feeling state that translates into a physical manifestation. 

    Does that make sense?  I hope so! :)

    Let me know if this doesn't answer your question!

  • I don't think I have the words to describe just how much you hit home with this response! It is everything I wanted and needed to hear. Once again, thank you so, so much! 
  • I'm so happy to read that! And you are most welcome! I'm glad you found it helpful. :)

    As a side note, Franklin, I am working on the "letting go of letting go" video. May I have your permission to use some of what you wrote in that post? Your identity would be concealed, of course. I believe a lot of people feel just as you did when writing that and I think it will be quite helpful and relatable to put it in your words. 

    If you don't feel comfortable with that, I perfectly understand!

  • Hi Jessica, yes of course you may have my permission. In fact, I'm quite honored to be honest! Absolutely, use whatever you find of value . . . I'll even appear in a cameo free of charge haha (joking of course). 

    I feel like your post really hit home about our energy between things and people. It built upon the balloon metaphor and made me think of a circular percentage graph where the line between 50% was fluxing back and forth with different color sides. I can pull my energy back and recenter myself as opposed to the other person or thing having the energetic "upper hand." 

    I am going to do just as you said and begin visualizing the roles being reversed! This is awesome and gives me great hope. 

    ~Cheers, Franklin
  • Thank you so much, Franklin! It should be out in a week or two. :)

    A friend of mine, who is a licensed therapist and manifestation coach, teaches quite a bit about manifesting that "specific person." One of my favorite things she tells her clients is this: YOU ARE THE PRIZE. Once they get that belief ingrained in their subconscious, everything changes for them. It's quite magical. 
  • edited August 2022

    I AM THE PRIZE! I like that and I will use it, if you don’t mind :)

    You know, I have a funny story for you! It is a bit personal but I think others might find it of value so I’ll share it anyway. 

    So not only have I been trying to manifest a specific person, I’ve been wanting to start a family for a while now. My specific person has a daughter who I get along with splendidly! We were hanging out quite a bit in the beginning of the year and then it all frosted over, as does happen. 

    Well, about 3 months ago I started having very strong visualizations of my person, like “hormonal,” if you know what I mean haha and I also visualized me (with my person and daughter) as a part of the other parents who watch their children run around in the afternoon where we live. These are 2 separate visualizations and 2 kinda funny things happened. 

    (1) Two weekends ago we had a baby party for my neighbor and my specific person was there and I hadn’t really spoken to her consistently for awhile, just in passing. To my shock and surprise she was throwing every sexual innuendo at me on multiple occasions over the course of the evening, often in earshot of others! I was completely caught off guard! The next day I texted her to see if she wanted to have coffee (which we’ve done before) and she says “sure but only as friends I’m not interested in you.” I should have been a bit saddened by this but actually started laughing at the sheer insanity of what just transpired! 

    (2) A month ago one of my neighbors randomly came up to me and asked if I would watch her 6 year old son for a few hours in an emergency. I get along with her boy and so said “sure, why not.” We had a blast; however, every afternoon for the next two weeks this boy was banging on my door to come out and play in the park with him, which I obligingly did. I was running around with him and the other kids and parents and was thinking to myself: “what the heck just happened?” I had a huge laugh over it. 

    Talk about “energy” and the commingling of energy with the Universe! I manifested both of these events, just not how I had intended them. Neville has a great saying which I wish I could remember to the effect of ‘how amazing it would be for the common man to be able to connect the events of his life with the thoughts that created them.’

    ***Truth be told, I feel like someone learning to drive for the first time and I keep popping the proverbial clutch!!! Hahaha :)

    All the best! Onwards and upwards in manifesting! 

  • WOW!!!, Franklin and Jessica,

     This is exactly what I needed to push my motivation even higher. This course is so intense; a deep dive into the Subconscious, That's the reason why I have redone Section 1 and 2 several times, cause I am cleaning up a lot of  PTSD issues from my military career. This is so powerful. You two have answered my questions for section 3, which I am currently redoing, This course is GOLD mine, I am taking my time an consistently working through every section to fully understand the process that would create the New Me or return to my Original powerful self. Again thank you both for the discussion, it is so valuable.  -  Jessica your answers are so detail and precise, it clarifies a lot of things for me. Franklin keep going brother, reach for the start !!! I am already seeing changes in my life, Things are getting easier for me.  "This is gonna be so easy" going forward. ha ha ha !!!   Love you guys. Thanks again.

    I appreciate you both

    In love and light


  • Ah, that's a lot of energy exchange going on, Franklin! She may not be able to resist the revisions you create in your mind, haha. I'm very interested in hearing how this plays out because it sounds as though you had her there. I take that as a very good sign. Persistence! Everything is malleable! And yes, YOU ARE THE PRIZE!

    You know you manifested the second part of this as well - watching the neighbor's son. And you can use these interactions as proof of your power - which it sounds like you're doing. :) 

    I know the Neville quote you are referring to (I believe you stated it almost perfectly). It's so true. And when you realize it, and you grasp that you can change your circumstances with some internal work, it's so transforming!

    I seriously cannot wait to hear more about this.

    Leslie - Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm very happy you are benefitting from the exchanges here. Isn't it freeing to clear that old stuff away?!? I believe the forum is very powerful for students in the course because it offers some "AHA!" moments through real life experience. We're all learning and creating. Even your coach moves through levels of creating and manifesting, so I find the forum extremely beneficial on my own journey. Honestly, the students who achieve the most success with this course are the ones who engage in this way and work with the processes. It's great to have the information, but implementing it is crucial. There are some star students here and I am very grateful for that! 

    Keep me posted on progress! I love it!

  • edited September 2022
    Hi Les, thank you so much for the encouraging words! I am so happy to hear that you are noticing positive changes as well, that's awesome news! It sounds like you are on the right path as well, and let me tell you I had to review each of the modules numerous times to get to the point where I put the pieces together as well :) . It's a very subtle art that we are mastering!!! 

    Yes Jessica, the energy is SO strong between us! Also, it is just what you said about this forum being very powerful for those that utilize it because the other day when I felt a success I said to myself: "you know what, I have a team behind me!" and it gave me a sense of security in purpose :) 

    I'm also happy to hear that "Even your coach moves through levels of creating and manifesting, so I find the forum extremely beneficial on my own journey." That is awesome!!! You are an inspiration.
  • Isn't it nice to have some team support!? 

    Thank you, Franklin. 
  • edited September 2022

    I also came across the "Consciously Changing The Course of Events - Video 1" as I was reviewing the first section and whamo! There is a super concise explanation of "beingness" in there that is the missing piece of my puzzle and it is linked to the idea of “conscious awareness” as a function of the "be, have, do" model in which the term being is succinctly defined! 

    The video states that once you set your GOAL, "it's your conscious awareness and sensory information that creates [the] fuel” to reach your goal as a part of the aforementioned model. One must also "embody the ‘beingness’ of a person who does that [goal] in order to create it” and all of that is resting on the best question ever: “who or how would I have to ‘be’ in order to create what I want to ‘have’ and ‘do?’” as a primer to your subconscious mind to make it happen! 

    Another important point is that one must be in the state of the wish fulfilled before visualizing it! For some reason this was lost on me and definitely explains the hot and cold manifestations I’ve been having. I’ve now corrected that. 

    This little video is perfectly summative and very powerful as an overview and refocusing tool! I must have watched it like 40 times in the last 2 days and each time my conscious awareness keeps highlighting new gems for me. This is so deep! Anyway, those are the highlights, our Dr Jessica weaves them all together so effortlessly - amazing!

  • BE, do, have! Yes! THIS is it, Franklin. It's all about the self-image - who you are 'being.' And when you practice the new self-image with consistency, everything around you begins to conform. It's the law.

    Keep persisting and you will find yourself giggling at how it all unfolds! :) 

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