Stock trading - pulling the trigger

Hello Jessica,

      I'm loving the UMM course more and more,  I have come along way in  regards to investing my money in the Stock Market. I am still excited to trade as this course have cleared up a lot of negative programming and limiting beliefs. Your stock trading mantra is very encouraging. I wrote it down and read it all the time, it keeps raising my VIBES around trading. However I saw some opportunities in the stock market but  it seems that I have some hesitation in pulling the trigger. A small voice keeps reminding me about my past loosing trades and bad decisions. Since I am close to retirement age and risk-averse. I would like to feel 100% CONFIDENT to place the trade and not to worry in which direction the market turns. I want to trade from a feeling of 100% LOVE and would appreciate any insights or suggestions you have to offer.

Thank you as always.

In Love and light



  • edited August 2022
    Hi Leslie,

    I love that you are making so much progress with the course and I'm happy you are finding the mantra helpful! :) 

    In the program are tools to test your belief systems to make sure they are locked in. Have you tried testing your beliefs in this way? (I'm assuming you have, just wondered what results you are seeing with this part of the process.)

    Since I cannot give you financial advice, the following is based on what I know about belief systems and how they work. I agree that you should feel 100% confident in your decisions. When I'm testing my own belief systems in the "real world," I start small and work my way up. For instance, if I were to want to make a career move, I would send out some emails to potential employers to see if they were interested and/or get their feedback. Or, if I wanted to buy a house, I would go to a bank to see what they say about my qualification status. If I wanted to trade stocks, I would put a little money into one and see how it worked out. (I literally know nothing about stock trading, so I'm assuming that is how that would work...?)

    The point is this: We have to be willing to step out of our comfort zone to experience new things. However, we don't have to leap all the way in at the beginning. New belief systems are built upon with proof. When the brain gets proof of something, it solidifies its belief in that thing. And with repetition of this, the belief becomes ingrained. This is how we learn things such as riding a bike or driving a car. We practice, get some rewards along the way and then become precise as our confidence and belief grows. 

    In regards to wanting to trade from a place of love, just the fact that you stated it that way puts you light years beyond how others would approach this. You know that love is a strong emotion. To love something is to hold it dear to your heart. 

    What people, places, pets or things do you love? When you think about each of these, how do you feel inside? Where in your body do you feel it? What is it that these things offer you that creates these feelings within you? Do you feel the same way when you think about trading? If not, what is it about trading that would have to change in order for it to be comparable to the other things you love? 

    If you're coming from a place of love, you're building a relationship and a strong bond. Can you imagine stock trading (maybe specific stocks or trading platforms) having great love for you as well? I would go into my mind and create that energetic component as discussed in some of the most recent forum posts to get to this space of unconditional love between you and "it." 

    I hope this makes sense and offers some guidance for your question! 

    Love and light to you as well, Les! 
  • Hello Jessica,

       Thank you so much for such detail reply, you articulate the response so well. It makes sense now. Guess i was just a little OCD about trading, ha ha!!! .  I feel more confident now, giving the Creative Machine a now goal to be emotionally independent of money and stock trading  Will definitely follow the guidance. . Thanks again.

    In Love and Light

  • You're welcome, Les. You certainly do not have to be emotionally independent of money and stock trading. I think its wonderful that you have such great passion for this! My intention was to help you nurture passion and excitement that with the response I gave here. If you have any further questions regarding this, please don't hesitate to ask! :) 
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