Goal Statement

Hello all. I am working on manifesting a life partner and I made my goal statement but I am not sure if it is the best it can be so I am open to some feedback. Here it goes:  "I am meeting a beautiful, spiritual, happy and  successful woman who is going to be in a loving, romantic relationship with me." Is it specific enough? Should I include a time frame? Let me know what you think fellow forum friends...thanks.


  • Hi Garret,

    I love your goal statement! My only suggestion would be to make it a bit more present tense in order to project your manifestation as a "now," rather than as something in the future. It probably won't sound true to you to do this in the initial stages, but with persistence your mind will begin to accept it as true and go to work to make it manifest for you. Here's an example:

    I am in a loving, romantic relationship with a beautiful, spiritual, happy and successful woman. 

    You could elaborate from here by creating a present-tense story that goes with the statement - just to get the creative juices flowing. For instance: 

    We always find ways to express our love and happiness for one another. Everything feels so natural and easy. When I'm with her, I feel as though I am in my highest expression of love because she brings out the best in me. I love how she always says the perfect thing at just the perfect time, and how she accepts me for exactly who I am. This is the best relationship I've ever been in and I know I deserve this because it feels so right. She always expresses her desire for me. I am continuously supported and I am grateful for that.

    I'd use the goal statement with a new story DAILY until you find yourself mentally rehearsing it without thinking about or putting effort into it.

    How did the affirmations from the other post work out for you? Are you using those daily as well?

    Let me know!

  • Hey Jessica. Thank you for your great response. I knew my goal statement needed some work. Anyhow, I have been doing much better since I started on this course. I am still moving on it slowly but I love knowing the work will lead me right to my next great relationship. I am affirming daily and especially enjoy the comfort of saying, "I am divinely guided and protected by the Universe." Feels good to be safe. Anyhow, I will continue with my updates soon. Thanks.
  • I'm happy you are seeing some improvements and love your affirmation! I often say, "The universe is always friendly and supportive towards me. It constantly assists me with my manifestations." It absolutely feels good to be safe. That is a profound statement as many people are looking for just that type of security. And it can all come from within!

    Please keep me updated on your progress and let me know if I can assist you further!

  • Just piggy backing on what Jessica post, I like affirming. "I live in safe, abundant and friendly Universe" or sometimes I say when in challenging environment; " The Universe got my back, I am totally protected and guided" or All is well, only good things lie ahead me I am safe and secure"

    In love and light

  • These are great additions! Thank you, Les!

  • Hey Garett! It sounds like we have similar goals, I think your goal statement is really powerful indeed! We are so lucky to have the wisdom of Dr. Jessica and her perspective, she has helped me immensely so far. I really like how she refined your goal into a present-tense story! I think I will have to utilize that and refine my story towards the person I am seeking :)

    All the best, you got this!
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