Big Goal

Hi. Just curious about the Big Goal worksheet. Is my big goal intended to be more along the lines of a story or is it just my goal statement? The worksheet has a lot of lines.


  • Hi Garett,

    As it says in the instructions on the Big Goal worksheet, you are writing out your vision of this goal on these lines. Your goal statement will have been written prior to this vision in the "Preparing Yourself for Change" worksheet.

    So, yes. The Big Goal worksheet is for your story and the vision you have of that - it's your end result already fulfilled. 

    Let me know if you're still unclear.

  • I think I get it. However, can you give me a sample of a story? I mean, is my story just the visualization of the end result? I mean, how far back does my story start? 
  • Yes, it's the end result with all of the juicy stuff you are creating. Go back to your post "Goal Statement" and read the example of this that I wrote to you there. :) 
  • I think I got it. I wrote a story this summer before I took the course that had some good details. Do you recommend I read that story and/or visualize each day? 
  • Is it an "end result" story? If so, yes. If not, revise it into one. Your mind is a goal-oriented machine. Give it the true goal in detail and visualize that daily. 
  • Ok. My goal is to be walking hand in hand on a beach with my loving partner. That, to me, would be the end result of having met and dated for a time, the love of my life which I am seeking. When I am trying to created this image, I cannot see who that person is, only that she meets the criteria of the woman I am trying to manifest. It feels tricky. I desire to have the perfect visual and to imagine it over and over but there is also no end point on my personal time line when this could I doing this right or should I create a different outcome which represents the same euphoric feeling I desire? I know I am particular about this but I want to do it right. 
  • That's a lovely goal and fantastic end result, Garett! It's perfectly okay that you don't see who she is, but that you feel her presence and her essence. That's creation! 

    And who is to say your visualization isn't already perfect the way it is? This is where relaxing and allowing things to happen will be an important part of bringing this into your reality. If you don't see the end point on your timeline just yet, don't worry about it. Move onto something else and let go of some of the pressure you've put on yourself to make this perfect! In other words, be in the creative process in a way that FEELS GOOD and just flow with it. 

    You're already naturally a creator. You already create your daily experience, so you know how to do this from a spiritual standpoint. Stand in the knowing that you have this ability and just have fun with the visualizing part of this. If it FEELS GOOD to think about it, then think about it! That's when the magic happens. :)  
  • Thanks Jessica. Only one more thing worries me moving forward. I mentioned before about a break up that happened 7 months ago. I still spend a lot of time thing about and ruminating about her. While i feel better than I did a few months ago, is this something that could be blocking my manifestation? If so, should I keep going with it? 
  • Imagine that your manifestation/desire is already created and waiting for you, and that you only need accept it as true. Once your mind accepts it as true, it falls into your lap. Nothing else matters. 

    You only need to soak yourself in your new visualization process to create a habit that becomes so real to your mind that it accepts it as truth. Practice that, practice it some more and then practice it some more...and all of your doubts will fade away.  

  • Wow. Great answer Jessica. Thanks. I will get to work having more fun with this.
  • You're most welcome. is key! :)

    Keep me posted! 
  • Hi Jessica. I have been on a few of the dating sites. This is the action I am taking. It can be frustrating. Can you give me your views on how to approach these sites? If you have a view on how they relate to my goal statement etc.?
  • Sure! 

    I suggest communing with the inner self prior to going on the sites. Tell yourself the story (over and over again) of how valuable you are and how any potential partner would be lucky to meet you. Once you feel REALLY good about that, imagine some fun interactions that occur as a result of going on the site - either communication within the site itself, or in person. And once you feel REALLY good about that, go onto the site and test it out. If your physical experience doesn't match your imagined experience, keep going within each time anyway. This will be a great way to practice and prove to yourself that you create the experience. When the outcome that you desire happens, it will match how you felt and the new beliefs you are beginning to form.

    Let me know how this works out for you!

  • So, lots of visualization before hand? Correct?
  • Yes. But the most important part of doing this is changing your physiology - your state of being; how you feel; your perception; your openness and willingness to see things differently. 

    Instead of going into the process with an attitude of "this is frustrating," or even, "this might be frustrating," you're teaching your mind and body that there are other possibilities that you are open to. Keep doing this and those possibilities will present themselves. Maybe not the first time (although that is absolutely one of the possibilities), but it will happen with dedication. Practice it until you manifest it. 

    Again, it's already there waiting for you. And when you fully accept the truth of that (by going within), you will "see" it. 
  • Thanks again. I am affirming my belief in myself as a very eligible single man...which I am, by the way. Is this sorta what you mean by going within? The constant positive self talk about myself? The knowledge that i have as much to offer as anyone? Just continue to affirm that right? 
  • How bout this affirmation.."I am sure that the dating sites I have chosen will help me find true love." 
  • edited October 2022
    Hi Garett,

    Yes, continue visualizing and affirming to change your self-image on a subconscious level. 

    The goal is to change YOU so that the outer world reflects that back to you. Truly, it's not the dating site that will fix this for you. Loving yourself and changing how you feel and think from the inside out will have the most impact on what you create. 

    You know you are eligible. You know you are single. Do you know that you deserve love? Do you know that you can create a long-lasting and dynamic relationship with someone? (See the post that I just answered for Franklin for some affirmations to help you with this.) 

    If you don't create a new program within by becoming persistent and dedicated to truly changing YOU, it will be difficult to sustain manifestations as they arrive. This is where the "work" comes in. Get that solid foundation of changing yourself into the version of you that gets what they want. THEN you will be able to use affirmations such as the one you have written with complete confidence that it is true, and that it is SO. :) 

  • Which Franklin post? And, thank you too.
  • Hey Jessica. I lost the tab to get to the course on my computer. Can you tell  me again how to access the ultimate manifestation course? Where do I log back into it from the home page?
  • Here is the post that I answered yesterday for Franklin:
    (It's just above or below this post.)

    You're welcome. :) 
  • Also, Jessica, as it relates to your last comment, can you help me create this  "new program"? Maybe suggest some helpful affirmations and meditations you think might help. I have the time and the dedication to do this but I really want to do it correctly for me, so I believe it. I feel like I am doing some things well but I suppose I am asking for guidance. You know, something that I can do everyday with clarity and confidence. I know that I am safe asking for this, that your answer will help. You already have a good idea of my situation and I am comfortable asking.
  • edited October 2022
    Hi Garett,

    As your coach, I'd be amiss if I didn't tell you to jump into the course and work with the material. The course is designed to teach you how to create the new program in a very systematic way. But you have to put in the work yourself. No one can do that for you.  

    I left you a link to another post (above) for some affirmations to use and there are meditations within the course to work with. 

    I'm going to challenge you to work with the course, read through some of the previous posts here, and then report back to me in a week. You have the tools and everything inside of you to make the change! :)

  • Thanks. talk to ya next Friday.
  • Hi Garett, I’d like to chime in if that’s ok? I’m here to support you as a fellow student. As someone who can relate to where you are right now with respect to a relationship, I can attest to the power of this program and the sage advice of Dr Jessica. 

    I have a quick story I’d like to share with you and please feel free to take it or leave it, it’s completely up to you. 

    I have been trying to manifest a specific person and a relationship and have gone through many ups and downs; however, in the forum post Dr Jessica mentions and in this one ( she gave me the phrase “YOU ARE THE PRIZE!” Let me tell you that after I started focusing on me and my self worth (which you are doing too) and repeating that phrase to myself I started getting hit on left and right and had friends of mine text me to set me up with their friends, and have even noticed my specific person getting closer to me! It wasn’t just the phrase, but how it aligned with everything I had learned in the UMM course that set it off for me. 

    It all starts with you, brother! You got this! 

  • Hey Jessica. I started the course over again. I just needed to find a routine to mix into my day. There are 2 things I have decided to change. For one thing, I am going to use the Changing the Corse of events meditation before bed each night. Next, I am going to work on the course before work each day and not put it off until after {Coffee really helps!}..I just have one question, Given my current main goal about manifesting a loving partner, how can I or what can I do to use the "be, do, have" model? Thanks and Happy Saturday.
  • edited October 2022
    Hi Garett,

    I'm happy to hear you are working with the course material! 

    In regards to your question, the meditation you are working, as well as the explanation video given just before that meditation, are ideal for this. But, let's break it down a little...

    In the first video, I explain this model: "If I could have _____, then I could do _____, and then I would BE _____." This is how most people think in terms of their goals because they haven't been taught differently. This is called working with the "if, then" model. But, the "BE" is the end goal. And it's the end goal you are working with to create the change. Essentially, you are reverse engineering the process (and I talk about this in the video I'm posting on YouTube today). 

    For your particular goal, it might read something like this: "If I have could have the relationship I want, I could do things that align with joy, then I would BE happy and content and full of love." The question I tell you to ask yourself in this part of the program is: Who or how would I have to "be" in order to create what I want to "have" and "do?"  If your end goal is to have joy and be happy and full of love, then your answer would BE: Learn how to BE in joy, happiness and love FIRST to draw the experience to you.  

    I want you to try it out so you can determine what type of "being" you want to embody in the meditation given. So, fill in these blanks: "If I could have _____, then I could do _____, and then I would BE _____." 

    What do those blanks have in them when you are being truest to yourself and the things you are creating as your experience?

    I'm looking forward to reading your response! :) 

  • Hey Jessica. So, in effect, all I am doing is saying the "If I could have.." saying by starting with "I would be" ...just the saying you gave me in reverse?
  • Oh, and thank you for the kind words of support Franklin Kelly! That was great of you to reach out. "I am the Prize.." Great chant.
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