Letting Go of past emotions and decisions

Hello all. I am having some challenges with the meditation involved in seeing my own time line and erasing limiting decisions. I am working hard to visualize my time line but I do not see the spots in the time line where things could be changed even though I know where they are. I really feel like tis is a step in the process I need to prioritize, given my past challenges in relationships. Let me know if I need to continue trying or if there is a part of the process I am not paying enough attention to....thanks.


  • Hi Garett,

    You don't have to visually see these things in your mind. 

    You have indicated that you "know" they are there. How do you know they are there? How do you sense them? What is it that lets you know they are there?

  • Well, I do have a time line in my mind and I am easily able to recall instances where I made limiting decisions. Also times where I was not considered "good enough" or felt neglected. My goal is to erase them from my subconscious or replace them somehow. Should I continue trying using the meditation?
  • I agree that it would be helpful to smooth these out, as outlined in the course.

    Which meditation are you referring to? Are you using a meditation for this? Or, are you using the process outlined for limiting decisions? 
  • Hey Jessica. I kept up with the time line meditation and feel fairly comfortable moving ahead. I am on the part where I am creating a new positive feedback loop. I am looking for suggestions on ways that I can take more action, considering my goal of a loving, committed relationship. Now, given that, what are ways I can reward myself for taking actions? Let's say I contact some people who may be in contact with a potential match for me. That would be action taken. What is a way to reward that action? Also, I really think that part of this course is the improvement of my overall self confidence and esteem. Should I reward actions that aren't necessarily directly related to my goal or would you see that as part of my goal? I do see it as part of my goal, by the way. Let me know what you think.
  • Hi Garett,

    First, I'm calling you out on not responding to the last few questions I asked you. This is what coaches do. haha  I'm not able to assist you properly if we don't engage with each other. :) 

    Let's dig in...

    You are correct that the course will assist you in positively impacting your overall self-confidence and self-esteem. When you do this "work," you change how you think and feel internally. Changing how you think and feel internally directly translates into how you act and what you do. When you change how you act and what you do, you get to experience new things. So, you may sense that you are starting to stretch your boundaries a bit. And if you haven't felt as though you are doing this yet, keep working with the internal processes until you notice this shift.

    This shift, as well as the process of working towards achieving this shift, will begin to reward your brain with success. As stated in the course, your brain finds reward in the new actions you take. I use the examples of meditating rather than watching television, waking up earlier to work on yourself before you move into your daily routine, and talking to others who have successfully achieved the goal you are working on. These types of things reward the brain because the brain realizes that you are doing something to better yourself and move you a step closer to the manifestation of your goal. The action is the reward from your brain's point of view - chemically speaking. Any action you take towards the betterment of yourself and your life is automatically related to your goal. 

    Can you please tell me what actions you have taken already so I may assist with some suggestions? I know you've signed up for online dating. And I know you are working with meditation. I also assume that you are working daily with the course material. Have you tried the Quantum Feedback Loop meditation? I highly suggest working with that one if you haven't already. 

    Let me know, Garett!

  • Hi Jessica. I had a long stretch of busy things going on so I am just now reading your response. And, yes, I should be called out for missing my last opportunity to engage with you so that was on me. Anyhow, in addition to the online dating, I have also reached out to some friends who might be able to assist me in finding someone. It took some doing and felt uncomfortable but I did it anyway. I told them to just keep it in their mind and something positive could happen. Next, I scheduled an online dating coach meeting to see if I might hire someone to help me. Also, I have been consistently doing more positive self talk and affirming through your "affirmations to attract love" meditation I found. I like that one because I don't have to listen to intently so I have it on while I am at the gym. I was thinking, do you know of any other people who have succeeded in manifesting their next great love? I mean people who have already don this course and found someone? If there is a way I could hear from them, hear what worked best? That would be helpful. thanks again Jessica...happy Saturday.
  • edited December 2022
    Hi Garett,

    That's so awesome! I'm really happy to read that you moved through your discomfort and overrode those feelings! And I'm also happy to read that you are working with those affirmations. Well done! 

    I'd like to make a suggestion. I think the action portion of what you are doing is really fantastic. However, the self-image goal of being the type of person who naturally attracts a loving partner/relationship should be installed when endeavoring to create this in your life. Do you feel as though you have successfully wired in that version of you? When you accomplish that, the action portion becomes quite effortless. Additionally, you desire something that is long lasting, your next great love! If your self-image is coming from a place of "this is difficult to find," or "there are not any woman out there for me," or something similar to that, any relationship you create will be challenging to sustain because the self-image portion of you (inner beliefs) will automatically sabotage it. I definitely recommend doing that inner work first! In other words, stop chasing the manifestation and become the version of you who naturally ATTRACTS it! 

    There are people in this course who have created wonderfully successful and loving relationships and they have confided in me privately regarding this. I also believe there are a few of these testimonies within the threads in this forum, however I don't know which threads those are off the top of my head. Peruse around here a bit and I'm certain you will find them. 

    Franklin was kind enough to share his post regarding his recent success in attracting women and you can read that here

    I can assure you that when you think, feel and act from the version of you who knows love within them as a natural state, as a person who is loved by life in general and loved by all those who come in contact with you, you will not be able to beat the ladies off with a stick! :) 

  • Garett I appreciate you sharing here as I have found Jessicas most recent response very useful!  It gets to happen naturally!!!! 

    I just asked a similar question in a different post Jessica, but perhaps it would be more useful here.

    Could you help me with a specific self image script I could read daily? I love the 'I am the type of person who naturally attracts a loving partner/relationship', how long does our self image script need to be? I feel I should add a little more to it but not sure what.
  • Hi there. I would be happy to. There is a 10 minute or so "love affirmations" meditation that I use each day. You can find it on the your youniverse youtube and just play it in the background. It is great because like so many of these meditations, you do not have to listen intently..just have them in your ears. After a while, you can hear Jessica's voice as you are moving through your day. I have mine playing during my morning workout. Good luck, Tayla. Let me know if there is more I can share. 
  • Ooops....the meditation I mentioned is about 23 minutes. I mixed it up with another one.
  • Thank you! Yes I do love that meditation too!
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