Quantum physics & energy

Hi Jessica, 
Firstly - I am SO honoured and excited to be here. 
I've spent about 6 months studyin manifestation and I am always drawn again and again to your YouTube videos! I cannot thank you enough. They are so informative! 
I am very new to your program/member area, so I apologise if these answers are to come. 

I would love if you could please help me tie together some manifestation understandings on a science-y level. I have been SO fascinated with this whole field for about 6 months and I feel like I've been searching for so long answers to these questions. 

I understand on a subatomic level in quantum physics that everything is made out of atoms which are mostly made of energy. 
I know this energy is a wave pattern of frequencies. 

I also understand that the observer effect shows that our 'mind' or awareness collapses the electron from wave function into matter. 
How does this work in our 3D world? 
How are we collapsing the wave function into matter??

and secondly what does matching our desires on an energetic level mean? does this happen by releasing and reprogramming unhelpful 'stuff' in our subcoscious mind about that subject, hence our relationship to the thing has to be a match and then synchronicities/experiences/circumstances appear? 

For example - you often read 'become an energetic match to the love, wealth etc.. ' 
What frequency are they on?! 
Does this relate to the frequencies of emotions? hence reprogramming our s/c mind increases your frequency?
As in, throughout this process we raise our level of consciousness, or who we are being, thus we raise our frequency?
I hope this makes sense, I have a feeling I'm overthinking this! 

I am SOOOOOO grateful for you! 
Much love and thanks.
Tayla x


  • Hi Tayla! I'm so happy to have you here! Thank you for your well-thought-out questions!

    First, I am not a quantum physicist by any means. And your first question is one that is unresolved by the science and physics community. I believe a Nobel Prize will be in order for whomever figures this out. 

    You stated that you already know that observation causes the wave to act as a particle. Within the quantum physics arena, it's only known that consciousness reduces (collapses) the state from wave to particle. The theory, or one interpretation, is that we become physically "entangled" with the observed system and its energy through our observation of that system. And it's stated that, when under observation, electrons are basically forced to behave like particles instead of waves. Also, scientists know that when they control the level of observation, they also control the extent of influence on an electrons behavior. Why does this happen? No one really knows. But, the experiments prove this to be true. It's actually a great mystery to even the most educated scientists who perform these experiments. 

    There are many strange, otherwordly things that occur within the quantum realm and quantum mechanics that I believe we may never understand. My personal theory is that the Higher Self, God, the Universe, or whatever you choose to call this energy, is beyond our means of understanding.  There is an energetic role that plays an intricate part in our lives. And we aren't necessarily meant to understand how that works. What we are meant to know is that we can change what we create if we don't like our experience.  And that there is a force beyond our understanding that we can have faith in to perform its role as we perform ours. 

    I don't know that that cleared this up for you in any way. That's my take and understanding of it - at least to the extent that I'm able to understand something that is not clearly defined.

    For your second question - Matching our desires energetically means embodying the state that aligns with them. For example, if you came into an unexpected windfall of money, how would feel? Probably excited, grateful, happy or elated. The law of reversibility states that if outer events can affect your emotional state, then emotional states can affect outer events. But even a windfall of money doesn't mean it is sustainable. These types of events don't generally last very long unless the internal programs and belief systems are sufficiently changed to believe that it can last, and/or that it can happen again. 

    When we hold subconscious belief patterns that block us from manifesting, we are encountering concurrent thoughts and feeling states that align with those belief patterns. When we reprogram those belief patterns to line up with what we truly want, we begin to think and feel differently. We act differently. We perceive differently. We OBSERVE differently. From there, our outer experience begins to match up with what we are doing internally. 

    It's not necessarily that you are "on" a specific frequency. It's that you are embodying a total energy that matches another energy that is likened to that. With this "work," you change your internal programs to match what you want to create. It's the totality of conscious thoughts, subconscious thoughts, belief systems, perceptions, observations and feeling states. Those things create the synchronicities you are referring to. In my opinion, it's ALL right ther waiting for you to SEE it. When you remove any filters that block this out, it appears easily and effortlessly. 

    But, don't overthink it (haha)! All you have to do is use your conscious mind to install new information into your subconscious mind and everything else will begin to line up with that. 

    Practice and dedication to the processes given in the course will do this for you!

    I hope this helps!


  • edited November 2022
    If I could share some perspective, particles in quantum physics such as electrons or photons are "quantized," that is, come in small packets. As such, their vibrational rate is low because of their extremely low mass. The wave function (symbol psi) is a probability model as quantum mechanics actually deals with probabilities and you can visualize it as a wave going up and down (think sine wave) across an x and y axis as the probability distribution of those values. Having said that, an analogy might be if you were trying to find your friend in a large mall or parking lot - what is the probability that he or she would be at Macy's or in stall #22 or at Starbucks? In this sense, in quantum mechanics, your friend would be in all locations at once until discovered, it's called "superposition."

    Once you found ('observed') your friend at Starbucks, the probability wave collapses because now it is 100% certain they are at Starbucks and 0% everywhere else. This is how I understand the wave versus particle interpretation of quantum mechanics. It is very mathematical and based on probability. Even the great Niels Bohr said "if you think you understand quantum mechanics, you know nothing" or something to that effect. 

    I would also say that I really like Jessica's explanation! I should also disclaim that I am not an expert either. I hope this adds to the discussion in a positive way. Welcome Tayla! 
  • Thank you for adding to this conversation, Franklin. I enjoyed reading your perspective as well. 
  • edited November 2022
    Jessica, I appreciate your response so much! I have spent the last few days reading it and understanding it. 

    I love that I have spent so long try to understand something that know one knows! ha! 
    Can I just make sure I've got my understanding correct 
    • The Observer affect shows that as we are awareness (observer) we influence electrons behaviour. 
    • What we place our awareness on, influences what the electron does, from a field of infinite potentials/possibilities.
    • The greater the observation, the greater the influence.
    So on a greater level, no one can explain this, but the take away is that our awareness is influencing atoms, which is mostly energy, which is what everything is made of. Hence what we place our attention on, we get more of? 

    Love you explanation about embodying the state that aligns with our desires. I understand this so much clearer than 'matching energy'. I haven't read about the Law of reversibility before, I love this explanation! I have actually been studying manifesting for a while and I can see this is blocking my manifestation, because its coming from a place of 'this isn't working'.. I'm missing something. I've read your reply so many times and am still processing it, you've definitely cleared a lot up for me. 

    I think I also just had an 'aha' in what you've explained. Beliefs differ from thoughts in a way. For example one belief can cause a cascade of unhelpful thoughts (such as I am not worthy/unloveable etc) and behaviours that aren't aligned with our goals?.Hence reprogramming the s/c with more useful beliefs, will also assist in changing our automatic thoughts and feelings and therefore behaviours?

    I also did you positive questions meditation this morning, TWICE! OMG it was way more impactful for me than positive affirmations. It's like I have this full epiphany that we need to ask our s/c mind the right questions!!!! This is 1000000% my official - change my vibration go to. Particularly when I'm feeling anxious! 

    Thank you so so much! I have another question - but I shall post it under another topic!

    Franklin - I appreciate your input here! I have read up on superpositions and you've explained it so clearly for me! Particularly with the example you used. 

  • edited November 2022
    Hi Tayla,

    BINGO on your first understanding and how you've broken that down! What we place our attention on, we get more of. That is the most succinct way to put it. 

    If you focus on abundance, rather than a lack thereof, more abundant things begin to present themselves. Focusing on the opposite is also true. When we come from a place of "this isn't working," (and trust me, we all have), we get more things that don't work. Whichever way you do this, it's as if you have blinders on for everything else. 

    Remember that I said that it's ALL right there just waiting for you to SEE it. Imagine, if you will, that EVERYTHING is available for the taking. And when you teach your mind that this is so, it will begin to perceive your desires as reality. Then you can reach out and grab it in a physical way. 

    The challenge is to deny what the senses are telling you if you don't like that experience, and change it from an internal level. It's only that people are not taught that they can do this from an early age, as a general rule. So, the mind thinks it's a ridiculous notion until it undergoes its own experiment with the possibilities of this and proves it to be true to the self. (The success posts here also aid the mind in believing in these possibilities - if someone else can do it, so can I!) There are infinite possibilities available to everyone. Learning to grasp that, and shift the focus, even when the physical world is showing you something different, is the way to create the change. You override it with your conscious awareness. 

    You are also correct that beliefs differ from thoughts, especially core beliefs. They are formed by thoughts and experience, and also create more thoughts and experiences that are of the same nature. Those thoughts and beliefs directly correspond with our behaviors - what we are willing to do, and not do. They definitely drive our every day experience. New programmed beliefs of your choosing will also drive your thoughts, actions, and experiences in a new direction.

    I love that you did the positive questions mediation! Pretty powerful, right? This type of programming is a bit gentler for many people as it doesn't feel like you are telling yourself an untruth. It's more of an exploration into the possibilities and it allows the subconscious mind to wander a bit with it's need to fill in the void of those questions. 

    I will address your other question on that post. 

    I love reading all of your "AHA" moments, by the way! That light bulb is really bright! 


    I've been trying to make it click for so long and you've made this so easy to understand and therefore implement.
    I do find that when I know 'why' I am doing something, I get more out of it and you help me do exactly that. 

    You are the best! 
  • I'm so happy that helped, Tayla! 

    As I am inquisitive by nature, I also like to know 'why.' But I've also learned to just enjoy the sheer pleasure of allowing my manifestations to surprise me. There's something really fun about not knowing how or why and just trusting that it will come to me in a fun and unexpected way. The ways in which things appear generally give me a good laugh! :) 
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