Financial Success Now

Hi Jessica!

I’ve had such terrific success in the love department over the last few months and I wanted to share with everyone how it happened. Beginning with the UMM course I was able to reprogram my self-image, create new goals, and allow myself to saturate my subconscious with such rich programming that my 3D changed for me in many incredible ways. The UMM program, Dr Jessica, and this forum allowed me to do that! 

I went from being walked out on to having my SP (different person) come around and become increasingly interested in me just recently; have a coworker being interested in me; have one friend sending me photos of girls they want to set me up with; having a neighbor stop me while walking a few days ago to tell me how perfect I would be for his cousin; to having the very person that walked out on me joining me for Thanksgiving dinner this Thursday. This is all within the space of 3 months!

I haven’t made a choice yet because I’m a person who does not like frivolous relationships so I will take my time with this, but sufficed to say that I am in a happy place. 

NOW, what I intend to do with this success is to translate that into financial success. From what I’ve learned in the UMM course is that the techniques taught can apply to any area of your life and this is what I am allowing for now as I feel confident and driven enough to see what monetary miracles can be born out of the energetic power of the universe within me. 

I am beginning with:

1) “The Field of Abundance” meditation

2) “I Am Love” affirmations

3) Rewriting my own money story

4) Monitoring my energy 

5) Using post-it note affirmations around my house

All the best, cheers, and wishing you and everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!



  • Look at all of those CHOICES you have, Mr. "Magnetic" Kelly!

    I love it! :) success! 

    Happy Thanksgiving filled with gratitude, to you and yours!

  • This is great news Franklin! I love all your posts. I find them very useful! 
    Your share here is helping my s/c mind say 'see it work's hah! 
  • edited November 2022
    Hey Tayla! So nice of you to say! I have also found your posts quite intriguing and thought provoking, good stuff all around! You got this, it is done!!!

    So, update on this post from the 22nd of November. I did all of the things on the list I mentioned above and on Friday the 25th I received an offer for $3,000 for some extra work! Woohooo, yeah go me! I'll take that moniker "Mr. Magnetic" if you don't mind lol :) 

    I'm excited and most of all filled with gratitude for the power of positive assumptions and all of you.

  • YES! 

    I recall you telling me that you were manifesting 2-4K a week or so ago. And look at THAT! Go YOU! The moniker is yours...haha 

    FINANCIAL SUCCESS! And that was fast! 

    Keep going...this is just the tip of the iceberg. I can feel it. :) 

  • Thank you again Franklin. Keep your posts coming. I am still working on getting to where you are. 
  • edited December 2022
    Thank you for the encouragement! You are exactly where you need to be :)  You know, I heard that phrase awhile ago and it kind of irked me at first, if I'm honest, but, it is such a powerful saying because it's all about "I am!" You are so full of success right now, it's all about creating a new love/money/whatever story for whatever you desire. 

    If it helps, these are the tips that I posted above that worked for me. #4 was absolutely essential for me to keep my mind focused and #5 is a simple trick that I picked up from one of Jessica's videos that I still do and has been fun to constantly remind me of the new story. 

    While it is very important to put in the work on the big techniques like visualization or manifestation, the smaller, simpler things like self-care are often overlooked and go a very long way as well! Just my 2p as they say, fwiw :)

    I am beginning with:

    1) “The Field of Abundance” meditation

    2) “I Am Love” affirmations

    3) Rewriting my own money story

    4) Monitoring my energy 

    5) Using post-it note affirmations around my house

    You got this buddy!

  • Thank you again, Franklin. I will keep you posted. And, of course, keep your encouraging coming. Its very helpful hearing a success story.
  • Hi everyone. I am working on my personal success chart. I am searching for memories of success so I can write them down and activate them over and over. I am just wondering if the successes in my chart should be related to my big goal. In other words if my goal is to meet the next great love in my life ( which it is) should I be activating memories of successful relationships? Because sadly, there is little to choose from..haha.
  • Hi Garett,

    Please read the instructions given on this chart again. The goal is to work with current successful actions. I'm a bit confused by your questions here because it seems as though you are combining different processes in the course. What do you mean by activating memories when it comes to the success chart? 
  • Its the rewarding your brain with success worksheet. It asks to fill in memories of past successes. The instructions state to write down successes to reactive them and use them to remind you of the feeling you had when they occurred. I began writing down some successful outcomes from my past, ones which made me feel excited and happy at the time and they were ones that specifically reinforced my confidence relating to my overall goal statement about meeting someone. I suppose my question is should the things I include on this sheet be jst related to my goal or is it a daily thing, where I keep adding anything to it all of the time? Is it sort of never ending? 
  • I am also confused about the next worksheet. This one asks to record progress made in undertaking a new skill, correct? What exactly am I suppose to do there? Is the worksheet asking me to try something new and record the results and the steps toward proficiency? Can you help here too?
  • Hi Garett,

    If you read the instructions on the chart again, the goal is not to fill in memories of past successes. The goal is to create new successful actions towards your goals and keep a log of them. You can use something that you accomplished in the past if you are unable to find a new action to use for that day. However, the main goal is to create NEW actions each and every day as a way to create a new habit. This is exactly what the instructions on that worksheet say to do. 

    As a side note, please refrain from posting multiple versions of the same question(s) in different areas of the forum (per the terms and conditions of the forum). If you have a new question, start a NEW thread in the manner given in the instructions at the top of the forum. Otherwise, I may not see your question. (I also do not check the activity tab.) Additionally, I answer all questions in a timely manner. There is no need to email my staff regarding the timeframe it takes for me to do this. 

    Thank you for your understanding! :) 
  • I was sloppy and impatient. I am working harder to do the course on my own.
  • I simply couldn't find what you sent me.
  • And, I was not questioning the time-frame. I know your responses are very timely. And, while I now better understand the worksheet instructions, they appeared to me to be an attempt to conjure up a feeling state I may have had in my past. Sometimes I learn better by making mistakes and being in a haste to correct them. I certainly wasn't questioning the course work either. I just needed clarification and couldn't find it.
  • No worries, Garett. I'm happy to read that you learn from perceived mistakes. They are a great teacher! 

    For your next question, please start a new thread. That way I can see it to assist you, and you won't miss my response. I'm always happy to help! :) 
  • Ok Jessica. Thanks. Im working on it tomorrow. I will be in touch.
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