Quantum Healing Code


I notice in the subject code p.g 47 has numbers for help in manifesting do you recommend us using this code, and if so how should we use it, and where in the body should we write it?

With Gratitude,


  • Hi Russel,

    Yes, I have used these codes myself. 

    For manifesting something specific that isn't related to the body, I just place the code somewhere near my desk (on a piece of painter's tape) as I'm working throughout the day. If this has to do with something related to the body, you can place it there.


  • Good Morning Jessica,

    Thank you very much for your response. I ask the question because are lot of what I do have to do with my confidence in you. I don’t know you but for some reason I trust your guidance and your response makes me feel confident in what I am doing.

    Thanks Again
    With Gratitude 
  • Thank you for trusting me, Russel. I do believe this is my life's work...and I LOVE seeing people change their lives for the better! 
  • This is a helpful thread Russel as I'm on day 2 of using a Quantum Healing Code. & Jessica, thanks for clarifying there isn't a need to place it on the body if the healing isn't exactly on or in the body.

    I apologize if it's improper to post here as I have yet to purchase the course. It is on my to do list for next month.

  • I was not sure if I should use it but I did.  For me just using this code had a lot to do with trust. And If I am to gain maximum benefit from this course I have to trust Jessica.

     If you have ever read any of the work written about Andrew Carnegie during the time late 1800 to early 1900 they have used some of the techniques we are using right now.

    How did they discover this information back then I don’t know. However the information is more readily available. But we have to BELIEVE and be consistent with what we are doing, that’s why I always commit myself to 90 days of practice. I want to experience a wonderful change in my life if you all only knew how much I would like to change for the better.

    I feel good about this course in my heart.

    That’s why am am here.

    With Gratitude,

  • Amen Russel. Namaste Russel. Om Shanti my friend.


  • The Law of Attraction in my view should be a permanent way of life and not just for Manifestation. This is why I am wanting to change me not for a short period but a permanent lasting change.

    If what we are doing here is acceptable to get some benefits then it Should be incorporated in our daily activities and we must become one with it. 

    At least this is what I believe.

  • Russel, I concur :) I'm serious about reprogramming my subconscious & eliminating limiting beliefs for lasting change.

    I too am a believer >:D<
  • Hello, where can i find the  code you are talking about : "subject code p.g 47 has numbers for help in manifesting "

    Thank you

  • Frank see attached.

    With Gratitude,
    Quantum Healing Codes.pdf
  • Nice Russel! Found it.

  • Shaera,

    Let’s do a 30 days challenge. You could come up with something and we could both agree on and just do it.
    What do you think?

  • Anyone could join. Just post what you all have in mind.
  • Russel, 

    Heck yeah!!! I'm down. Let me take a look at the codes real quick.

    Ok, we both want to reprogram the subconscious so I think this just might be a good one to work on for 30 days:

    113 585 9623 4515 assists with removal of psychological programming

    How do you feel about that Quantum Healing Code?
  • Thank you so much Russel for the copie...

  • No problems Frank anything I could do to help I will do.


    Today will be day one. My code will be 11 67 692 I am not going to say the specifics. I have it written down on a piece of paper and I take it with me everywhere, I even repeat it throughout the day, when I am repeating it I’ll even pass my finger on the number and words.

    With Gratitude 

  • Perfect Russel. I'm on board. I'm going to start today as well and post progress here.

    I'm excited!!!
  • Does some one would know if we can use more than one code at a time and if yes how many :-)

    Those codes can be of big help but i think we are here to become able to creat and anderstand enought to do without....

    The best creations for you both ;-)

  • Good question Frank as I'm currently using two. 


    day 3 of the challenge and I'm using the code right before I engage in Law Of Attraction Money Magnet MP3. I'd like to uninstall psychological programming and install money magnetism. 

    Feels good so far. I'll update in 2 weeks with what results then at a month.
  • Update:

    day 15 of the challenge and it's become routine to place my hand over the QHC, meditate briefly on intent, then engage in a meditation to program either money magnetism or self-worth. I immediately feel a sense of calm when my hand is hovering over the code. It's an instant reaction.

    Will report with an update on day 30.

    How's it going for everyone else? How are you feeling?
  • I wish I knew more about the "healing codes." This thread is about the Ultimate Manifestation Mastery Course. I am totally up to speed there. I will do some research and learn more about these codes of which you speak. Sounds wonderful!♥️
  • The QHC is part of the monthly material.

    With Gratitude,
  • Again, I need to get up to speed with the monthly material. You guys are teaching me so much! Thank you!♥️
  • Hi Shelia! The codes are additional tools used to produce desired effects. Russel offered a challenge & I've been engaging in it.

    Looks like I'm the only one LOL.
  • No you are not, LOL I have my codes with me all day and it's sleeps with my in sealing of my room, I place a copy of it their lol.

    My manifestation is already mine and is on it's way to me NOW. 

  • I have printed up the codes now! Watch out!! I am catching up with you!♥️
  • Hahahaaaa Russel, my man... HULKING it!

    Yes! Shelia...those are the codes. We got this <3
  • Very powerful. I'm happy to learn this from y'all. That you!♥️
  • Update:

    Day 30 of the Quantum Healing Code challenge. Used a code to uninstall psychological programming with the intent to uninstall them and install money magnetism. 33 days digesting Money Magnet MP3. 

    The process was to use the code on my phone, holding my hand over it, then state my intention and also state the positive affirmations "I am a money magnet" "abundance is my birthright" prior to listening to the suggestions.

    The sway test reveals yes to the question: "Am I a money magnet?" Old belief uninstalled and new one programmed. Man, this is a trip LOL.

    How did you all do? What are your results? I'm excited to hear about it.
  • Good Morning Shaera,

    My manifestation is on its was to me, Just in the last few weeks I gotten four checks in the mail that I was not sure if I was going to receive these moneys was owed to me since 2016, and we are in 2020 so it does work. And when you use the code with faith / non resistance the results are even greater than expected.

    When you submit your request to people and you bless these people when they receive your documentation they would do what is right because in their heart whey will feel joy in working with your information.

    I really enjoy this new me, before my self realization journey I used to be a difficulty person to deal with but I knew deep down inside this is not me because every time I would be harsh to others it would bother me. I still have a lot to change about me but work in progress.

    I believe in me.
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