It feels so real

Hi Jessica, 
I trust this finds you well. 
I just wanted to touch base and run something past you that I'm noticing is happening.

I LOVE my visualisation 'changing the timeline' I think it is. I do it everyday, sometimes twice. 
I love that there is about 4-5 different scenes that I see on the timeline and it feels so so real. 
After one of your recent posts you helped me see this is the key! I think previously when I've done future self visualisations 
I was over doing it because I didn't have it, but with how you explained it now I get it. Its not lack or fear, its because I love being in that 'dream'. 
It feels like I have a secret life that no one knows about ha ha. 
I know it's best to only have one goal, for now, however my visualisation seems to be with my soul mate, married and living abundantly from my successful coaching business. 

On top of this I have been doing your positive subconscious meditations daily as well as some 'I am' ones. 

I'm finding a few situations that would previously have triggered me, aren't triggering me anymore.
For example, finding out someone is pregnant or engaged etc 
These use to really hit me internally, but since in my visualisation and timeline I know it all works out and I have everything I desire, 
those things aren't bothering me. 

I can't really explain it, I use to think these thoughts came from 'I'm not good enough' but I think it was a 'that will never happen to me' 
and now that it feels like it's already done in a secret life (in visualisation world) hahaha. It so cool to have very clear images and visuals of me living a life that already feels so real. 
Is this something you've come across before, when we aren't triggered as much, not from healing work, but from just believing you're already living that life?

I'm also wondering, I've had a coaching certitfication pop into my head a few times that I found a few months ago but hadn't thought of for a while, 
It's just like a random thought every now and again through the last few days. Would this potentially be inspired action from my creative machine?

Assuming all this is normal, do I just continue with this for the next 30-90 days and watch it unfold? 

As always, thank you! 


  • Hi Tayla,

    Great questions! And I love how you referenced it as being your secret life that no one knows about. That's exactly what it is! 

    To answer your first question about being triggered, you are correct. As Neville Goddard states, "There is no room in this limited space of yours for two things to occupy the same space at the same time." When you become absorbed in the 'secret world,' and start to live there as the dominant position and reality, everything else becomes less "real" to you. These other things don't (and can't) matter because the secret world is the "real" world. That world becomes real as a result of your love for it - your feelings regarding it. How can you be triggered by anything when it's not even the real reality you are living? haha In regards to your "that will never happen to me" statement, you now understand that it does happen to you because you create it. :) 

    Personally, my visualizations simultaneously include all of the things I desire to have in my mental creation. It's just natural for it to occur that way for me. There is no so-called right or wrong with this. If your visualizations have all of the components, I think that's wonderful! 

    I believe the coaching certificate popping into your mind is definitely inspiration coming through. Now, check in with yourself to see that particular certificate "feels" right. Pay attention to the subtle cues you are getting in your mind and feeling states. Your inner guidance will show you the way.

    I cannot tell you how long it will take for everything to unfold for you. Each person must take this journey individually and create the mental and spiritual adjustments necessary to see their manifestations as reality. I've seen people manifest their desire in as little as a few days, and others a few months. And honestly, there are some who give up before this because they don't "see" it show up in their physical reality in a timeframe they prefer. A few of my own manifestations have taken a couple of years because I had to get my mind on board with the fact that it was, in fact, my reality. But persistence wins out! 

    That said, the processes in the course are designed to build upon one another and I do encourage working with them in addition to your visualizations and meditations. I created them to unlock different truths within you and spark more of those "AHA!" moments. :) 

    Hope this helps!

  • Hey Jessica, 
    I love how you've used Neville's quote of there being no room for 2 things to occupy the same space. I really understand manifestation a lot more now, and how what you are seeing internally IS the external manifestation.

    I have still being loving the daily changing timeline visualisation and the affirmations and possibility thinking meditations.
    And some more limiting beliefs are coming up which I'm using the tools to change/release.

     In saying that I think I need more work on my self image. I actually don't know how to write one that feels good. 
    For either a successful online business owner or a relationship? 

    The last 2 days I could feel myself fall into fear and anxiety, but I seem to be back on track tonight. 

    Also I LOVE your new YouTube video on positive questioning specifically on money, I'm wondering if you'd consider making one for attracting a relationship? :)

  • Hi Tayla,

    Garett was kind enough to answer you on the other post and I will address your questions for me here. 

    Yep, this happens sometimes. When you start reprogramming, that old story wants to pop up and challenge what you're doing. You're going to tell it, "Nope! We don't entertain those thoughts anymore!" There is only room for ONE story, and you get to choose which one that is. It's simply a matter of overriding the old thoughts until they have no more energy to keep them alive. 

    I'm happy to assist you with some self-image affirmations. How long it needs to be is your choice. I listen to self-image affirmations daily and adjust them as needed. If there is something in my outer world that is reflecting something back to me that I prefer not to experience, I examine what thoughts I must be having that are delivering those things. Because the outer world only delivers to us what our inner world is dominantly doing, this always works. Instead of getting frustrated, or letting frustration linger during these times, I think to myself, "Hmmm, isn't that interesting. This thing that is being presented is teaching me something about myself. Let me examine what that is and flip it around in my mind until the outer world shows me what I prefer." 

    Below are mostly self-image affirmations (in relation to self-love, self-power and manifesting your desires) with a few sprinkles of love/relationship. (And yes, I will definitely do a meditation track for relationships with the possibility thinking affirmations as I've had a lot of requests for this in the last 24 hours!):

    I am the type of person who naturally attracts loving relationships.
    There are so many available men who meet my criteria and they are always interested in me.
    I choose myself. Therefore, I am always naturally chosen. 
    My life is so easy. I always get everything that I want.
    I am now loving my self unconditionally and the Universe reflects love back to me in all ways. 
    I respect myself on the highest level and I am highly respected in return.
    Something amazing is happening to me.
    I value myself in all ways. 
    I honor myself in all ways. 
    I am grateful for my uniqueness. 
    I welcome happiness, love and abundance into my life and it flows to me effortlessly. 
    I naturally draw high value people into my life.
    I welcome my amazing and wonderful life. I deserve every bit of it.
    I give and receive love freely.
    I step fully into the version of my perfect self and live only from that version of me. And the reality I experience matches that perfectly.
    I expect only the best in life and that is what I receive.
    I only receive good news, all day, every day. 
    My dreams have suddenly started chasing ME.
    All power is within me.
    All that I desire just presents itself to me. 
    All things have already been created. I have the amazing ability to simply tune myself to the creations I wish to experience and watch them become manifest in my life.
    I have decided live my highest and best life and that is what I experience.

    Literally saturate your mind with affirmations like these. I recommend doing so early morning and/or at night, or in a drowsy state. The point is to become the version of you who naturally has everything go their way. As you define your specific goals with the use of the course, this self-image will begin to mold that goal into form for you. Here is a self-concept video that I created that you also might find useful.   
  • edited December 2022
    If it helps to add to this conversation, a fun thing that helped make a new self-image stick within me in regards to attracting relationships was to conceive of myself as the starring role in my movie (my reality) and after fully conceiving of that with confidence I got a post-it note and wrote in big, bold letters "I am the starring role!" and stuck it right on my kitchen counter where I walk by all the time. It was an is an instant and quick pick me up. 

    Also, that video that Jessica links to is super duper good!!! It's in one of my YT saved folders :)
  • Thank you for the reassurance and guidance here Jessica. I like the idea to dismiss those unhelpful thoughts with ‘nope we don’t entertain that anymore’.

    Got it, continue to Saturate my mind. You’re right, the current story had been playing for a LONG time haha. Just creating new neural paths ways right!

    Thank you so much for those self image affirmations. Already picked a large handful that feel empowering. I’ll ensure I repeat these constantly!

    I do sometimes feel like I’m listening to the affirmations from a place of ‘its not here yet’. And that’s when the anxiety kicks in. However like you’d said previously our minds don’t know the difference between anxiety and excitement so I’m consciously changing the story I give those.

    I understand our external World is reflecting back To us what is going on inside and this reminder has come with divine timing. It makes so much sense doesn’t it haha.

    Just got to keep at it, right? :)
  • I love that worked for you Franklin, we are pretty good stars right! Thanks for sharing, always useful to know what’s working for others.

    I’ll watch that video Jessica linked now.
  • Hey Jessica.

    Merry Christmas!

    I can’t believe how I’m feeling.
    It’s like a mix of knowing huge things are coming and also totally loving every day right now. I feel delusional in a way! Haha.

    My whole inside world has changed. It’s still like I’m living this other fake reality hahaha.

    Like I just want to spend time with myself and my own inner world and connecting with the Universe.

    So now I’m just in the void of waiting for my external reality to reflect it back to me. I can see how people ‘give up’ in this stage.

    I was going to ask for tips for this stage, but I’m guessing it’s just keep doing what I’m doing & stay faithful.

  • Hi Tayla! It's nice to hear from you. And Happy Holidays!

    Yes, you are correct. This is the stage where you persist. Continue to work with the processes to solidify and build upon what you've already done. (I still do this daily.) Walk around as the new you and hold onto it! Commit to denying what the outer experience is showing you until your new experience presents itself! 

    You stated that your inside world has changed and that is what takes to change the outer world. But only when persisted in! Don't let the outer world hypnotize you back into the old state. That is the best advice I can give you. :) 

  • Persistence! This is the encouragement I needed. Thank you as always.
    It’s also really reassuring that you’ve shared you still solidify and build upon it everyday still! This is all making so much more sense! And I am kinda starting to see how people fall in love with the journey…
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