love and relationships

Hi. Things are going well and I am nearing the completion of the course. I find myself a bit nervous, however, as I am seeing little evidence towards my goal of a loving and committed relationship. What should I look for? What sort of actions should I be taking? Just seeking some suggestions...


  • Hi Garett,

    The first bit of evidence will be a knowing within you that you have changed your internal state and have installed a program that feels natural to you. A feeling of nervousness doesn't line up with that. Once the internal state is changed sufficiently, the outer evidence will begin to appear. I suggest continuing to work with the processes in the course until you create this shift. When we are focusing solely on the outer experiencing and seeing that nothing has changed, we remain in a state where nothing has changed. All of the change must be acquired internally first. And that is what the processes in the course are designed for. 

    Are you working with these processes daily? And have you noticed any shifts within you as you do? If so, what shifts can you recognize? 

    As you begin to zero in on the evidence within you that a shift is happening, your subconscious mind will begin to expand on that shift and assist you in solidifying it within yourself. From there, evidence in the outer world must present itself. Does this make sense?


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